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North Carolina woman sterilized for being ‘too promiscuous’

This is one of the most repulsive, barbaric, unconscionable acts ever committed by a bible belt state. Or anywhere. The victim of a rape at age 14, Elaine Riddick was sterilized as part of a court order. She was found to be ‘feeble-minded’ and ‘promiscuous’. Good thing NC didn’t include stoning in its punishment at the time. American Taliban, indeed. Now 57, Riddick talked to CBS about her ordeal.

The day that Elaine Riddick had her first and only child, the state of North Carolina had her sterilized on the orders of a court. Riddick had been raped but the state said she was promiscuous.

“They said that I was feeble-minded, they said that I was promiscuous,” Riddick told CBS News. “I’ve always been able to take care of myself – I’ve never been promiscuous.”

“So how can people use these things to describe a child that had been abandoned? Or that had been raped by the neighbor and then again, raped by the state of North Carolina?”

Cross posted at Let Freedom Rain

4 comments to North Carolina woman sterilized for being ‘too promiscuous’

  • [...] posted at Sister Sage’s Musings Tags: 'too, being, Carolina, North, promiscuous', sterilized, [...]

  • 900ft j

    fucking animals. fucking religious holier-than-thou hypocrites. Twenty thousand dollars? And the gov. is debating that? Jesus! Send the ones who ordered the butchering to jail.

  • Niles

    oh no, 900ft, nonono, those ‘butchers’ were only thinking of the good of society and the sterilized themselves. You can nevvvvver prosecute people with good intentions, no matter how malicious their actions.

    Mind, Canada was on the same “white men know better” bandwagon up until the ’70s. I’m not sure if other provinces went so far as Alberta to *mandate* it province wide…

    …but a lot of ‘inconvenient’ sorts were incarcerated for years, if not life, when asylums became available for the job, especially women. Because they were going against their natural roles ya know, so they must be even more feeble than the average docilely obedient woman.

    In far too many cases, mental hospitals were the ‘secular’ version of the Magdalene Hells, with the added bonus of surgical experiments to excise ‘bad’ parts of the unredeemable.

    But, I shouldn’t use the past tense. Forced sterilization is still being argued as a social good today in North America. Yet always for the poor/’feeble’(addicts of course being included there) and/or incarcerated.

    Often, it’s argued by the same people who worship the unborn’s right to live, which is ironic, given the crocodile tears over the shrieked ‘holocaust’ of the black community losing all those unborn to abortion (referencing talk that ‘welfare queens’ should agree to contraception inserts or sterilization to get benefits).

    Strange, how sterilization isn’t considered interfering with God’s plan, but abortion is.

  • Beijing York

    It’s not about God or Jesus, it’s about punishing. This poor woman is the poster girl of how they love to punish. They gave her no choice over her body. She was forced to go through a pregnancy from rape and then sterilized for allowing that rape to happen. It doesn’t get any more depraved than that. Oh and it’s also about racism and poverty. If a rich white girl was raped at 14, I bet even some of those hypocritical “sanctity of life” parents might have procured her a very private abortion by stealth. And there is no way such a girl would have been assumed to be “feeble minded”.

    From the article: What happened to Riddick in North Carolina happened to more than 60,000 people in 32 states, from the 1920′s to the 1970s under state-sanctioned sterilization programs aimed at cutting welfare costs.

    “The people who were the focus of this movement were the dispossessed of society,” says Paul Lombardo, of Georgia State University’s College of Law. “In some cases, simply people of color.”

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