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Andrew Coyne A Little Testy

Andrew Coyne got a little testy with me today on twitter over, what I can only assume, was an innocent question. Let me start off by saying I’m not an economist and as one who is more fiscally Conservative I’ve always appreciated what Andrew has had to say regarding fiscal issues. So when he tweets things about Supply Management being terrible I pay attention. I posed a simple question and Andrew seemed to react quite strongly. I ask you readers, do you think my question was dumb? do you think I was indeed asking Andrew to “do my homework for me”? Tell me what you think.

3 comments to Andrew Coyne A Little Testy

  • Mark Warburton

    I think Andrew is a right wing dink and I don’t think anyone should concern themselves with what he thinks or states. I never read his comments nor do I subscribe to MacLean’s obviuos Con leanings. Don’t trouble yourself.

  • Billy Nobels

    Coyne blocked me on twitter for challenging his fawning over some neocon article. It was a risque analogy but funny I thought. Coyne was not amused: I quote; “If you keep fawning over De Souza’s column maybe he’ll blow you likes he blows his own horn”. He felt I was unworthy of following him. I felt a sense of relief.

  • Don’t pay Coyne any mind. He’s a testy fellow at the best of times. Your question was legit; his reaction snotty. Coyne may be a highly-paid ‘National Editor’ but he shows you can’t buy class.