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Romney’s VP choice to be Condi?

I don’t read Drudge for obvious reasons but I do follow Memeorandum so I happened to catch Drudge’s breathless – ALL CAPS (why are the wingnuts screaming so loudly these days?) – headline that Condoleeza Rice could very well be Mitt Romney’s choice for Vice President.

I say, fuck ya! Here’s the woman who laughed off the pre-9/11 “Bin Ladin determined to strike in US” warnings, resulting in the most horrific attack on US soil since Pearl Harbor.

The deaths of 3,000 people aside, the western world – hell, the whole world – has been incalculably changed for the worse since that day. Every man, woman and child is now held captive to invasive searches and outrageous inconveniences when travelling thanks to the ignorance and arrogance of Condoleeza Rice and her paramour in the oval office at the time.

Are you awake, Democrats? This is your chance. Pounce.

X-posted at Let Freedom Rain

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