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Jason Kenney To Canadians: Well, Ain’t Ya Gonna Thank Me?

Boys ‘n’ girls, I’m not kidding. I mean, I almost fell outta my chair when I saw this headline.

Immigration Minister Jason Kenney asks Canadians to thank him for cuts to refugee health benefits

It’s true!  Jason Kenney’s ego does need a boost these days.  On his website, he has a petition, no doubt one that he and/or his staff wrote and all mindless drones have to do is just add their name to it.

So, Jason does the inhumane and then expects all to thank him for it. Stay Klassy, Jason!

5 comments to Jason Kenney To Canadians: Well, Ain’t Ya Gonna Thank Me?

  • Deb OConnor

    No doubt a ploy to collect information to add to their data base. Later they’ll decide if you’re a supporter and ask for money, or a left wing commie pinko dissident scumbag, and start their investigation. Just another tory plot.

    ck Reply:

    That’s a good point, Deb. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it that way.

  • The request for thanks tells you a lot about these folks. Like their leader, they are completely self absorbed.

  • When I immigrated to Manitoba, just after it wasn’t the Red River Colony anymore, the first communication I received from the provincial government was to inform me that as a resident of the Bison province I was required to register with their health services plan. If I was unable to afford premiums, something could be arranged, but I wasn’t to be found lying on the road with no coverage. Coming from Amurica with the best and most expensive health care in the universe, for those with access like politicians, government/military, those fortunate enough to have usually union jobs with benefits and rich folks – I thought the fact that I HAD to be covered was really cool – but I still avoid doctors like a plague, unless I’m bleeding or get carried there….old habits die hard! Doctors poke and prod you and hospitals are full of germs – neither are any place for a healthy person (especially one that still shudders at needles).