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Canada 150 Thinkers’ Conference in Montreal–A Success; But Beware of Harpercon Sore Loser Cheerleaders

I will be blogging more in detail on a few of the themes I’m most particularly concerned with (“How do we Care?”)  a little later on this evening or even tomorrow.  We just had to be busy this week-end with other commitments and errands.

I think even Iggy’s speech was very good and . . . → Read More: Canada 150 Thinkers’ Conference in Montreal–A Success; But Beware of Harpercon Sore Loser Cheerleaders

Oh Talk Radio, Hypocritical defenders of Free Speech: The Repressed Right V Those Mad Marxists!!

If there was a time to fall off that cigarrette wagon, it would be now. The night is still young and after I post this, I just may well aquiesce and get me a pack of smokes; such a nice evening for it too!! Problem is,  my husband will be pissed with me . . . → Read More: Oh Talk Radio, Hypocritical defenders of Free Speech: The Repressed Right V Those Mad Marxists!!