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What Rush hath wrought: 16-year-old harassed for being a “slut, a prostitute, a horny piece of trash that is out to sleep with every guy in school”

The fallout from Rush Limbaugh’s attack on Sandra Fluke has more far-reaching consequences than the public humiliation Fluke received at the hands of the radio star and the subsequent withdrawal of advertisers from the blowhard’s show. Caught in the headlines suddenly are the young women of America who have become the new Easy A’s of their schools and worse – the victims of ugly, sexist taunts from school yard bullies who believe they are “telling it like it us, you know, like that guy on the radio”.

You see, my 16 year old daughter came home from school on Friday in tears and has been in a state of utter despair since. She was told, in no uncertain terms, that she is a slut, a prostitute, a horny piece of trash that is out to sleep with every guy in school! The horrid little monsters who started harassing my daughter had the audacity to tell her their mothers were the ones who labeled her with these despicable opinions- they were just “telling it like it is, you know, like that guy on the radio! The one who isn’t afraid to tell the truth!”

Here is the note that one of the hatemonger classmates who attends her school gave her:

Little miss innocent, huh? Whatever slut- you take birth control pills so you can f*&# every guy in school! What a joke- u are nothin but a whore! Pretty bad when some guy on the radio who isn’t afraid to tell the truth has to break it down for everybody- if u on the Pill u are nothing but a skank ass ho! My mom said girls on the pill are tramps who just wanna get laid and don’t care about nothin- is that how u are?

This is the modern world of payback for thinking-for-oneself youth in the US and Canada. Brigette DePape, Occupiers, Sandra Fluke, any strong woman who stands by their beliefs that do not coincide with the ideological discipline of media and political tyrants like Limbaugh or the Conservatives are the new targets of abuse. Limbaugh thinks he’s just speaking his mind. He doesn’t care about the consequences of his hate. I doubt that this is the only story about sexual intimidation played on campuses all over the country in the next few days thanks to Rushbo and co.

As to the loudmouths who occupy the rightosphere, here’s a sample of how low they are willing to take this.

A 30-year-old poses as a 23-year-old, chooses a Catholic University to attend at $65,000 per year, and cannot afford ALL the birth control pills she needs… so she wants the US taxpayers to pay for her rampant sexual activity. By all accounts she is banging it five times a day. She sounds more like a prostitute to me. She must have an gyno bill to choke a horse (pun intended). Calling this whore a slut was a softball.

X-posted at Let Freedom Rain.

2 comments to What Rush hath wrought: 16-year-old harassed for being a “slut, a prostitute, a horny piece of trash that is out to sleep with every guy in school”

  • ASME

    I guess this rude, ignorant man would like woman to be clad with chasity belts.

  • LimpBalls’ Mouth should be fitted with a combo chastity belt, ball gag! I resent the fact that slime like Rusty Limpballs and his supporters share the same air that humans use. A good form of birth control is apparently to be in a relationship with Rush, he has been married multiple times, but shoots blanks apparently and has thankfully produced NO SPAWN.

    A woman must either really be into the money or have absolutely no self respect to get within smelling distance of that lard ass, must less allowing him to touch them.