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Clucking Christie Blathering Blatchford Strikes Again!


Oh brother! Here we go again! Once again that useless old shrew hacks again.  This time, it’s about her little friend Rahim Jaffer. Apparently she writes that we’re simply pissed off with him getting away  with nothing more than a slap on the wrists simply because he’s a ReformaTory: that backroom deals like . . . → Read More: Clucking Christie Blathering Blatchford Strikes Again!

Economic Tough Talk From Stock and Another Solution No one Will Dare Attempt


Well, we heard the stock talk of  tough times ahead and how sacrifices must be made.

Since the Harpercons claim they are adamently against raising taxes of any kind for anyone and that they don’t plan to cut individual programs like old age pension (how nice of   ‘em! Considering,  if we continue down . . . → Read More: Economic Tough Talk From Stock and Another Solution No one Will Dare Attempt

Right Slanted Corporate Media Telling Us How to Feel & Think Yet Again


Indeed they are. This time, it’s old health care debate on both sides of the border. Yep, Talkin’ about Danny Williams,  Premier of Newfoundland. National Posties’ columnists are proving particularly all ga ga giddy over this with the phony outrage over this (phony for the most part any way). What’s worse, is they . . . → Read More: Right Slanted Corporate Media Telling Us How to Feel & Think Yet Again