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Stevie Will Be Back on Top and We’ll Have Only Ourselves to Blame

I am indeed disappointed. It is a dark day.   This gold medal win does nothing to help Canada, in fact, it’s made it worse.  It means that St-Stevie’s numbers could easily shoot back up to where they were before prorogation and then some.

Many of the Romper Roomies are blogging that now, all of a sudden that Canada is the greatest country on earth. How would they have felt had the Americans won? They would more than likely go back to thinking Canada sucks; too “soshalist”. In fact, they would probably have blamed Canada’s “soshalism” or Jack Layton or Iggy’s presence.  GW Bush’s Americana is best for all.

They are not alone, unfotunately.

It’s disgraceful.  I had pointed out twice what real patriotism is and I’m not repeating it again. Obviously, a country’s greatness is all of a sudden judged by a hockey game and no doubt, it’s PM would take credit in a not so gracious and humble way as if he were the coach.

Remember, pollsters like Nik Nanos on the radio with Dan Delmar on the Thursday night mentioned that “Olympic burst”, as did Frank Graves of Ekos explained Stevie’s numbers going up by three points as of later, thus putting him in a comfortable minority yet again if an election were held today, and that was before Team NHL Canada won their gold medal.  I had heard and read from those practically giving credit to St-Stevie for own the podium.  Imagine now with this gold medal for our national religion! As we have pointed out, many Canadians like shiny things.

I have read both Dr Dawg’s and David Akin’s predictions about what will happen when parliament resumes.  Both differ and I don’t think either scenario will happen. Depends from which point of view: in the House of Commons, there might be some prorogation related spats, but not much else. For everyone else,  it will be business as usual.

Prorogation and Stevie’s transgressions that went along with that act will be not only forgotten, but they will be forgiven.  Keep in mind that one of his main excuses after so-called ‘recalibration’ was the Olympics. It was as if he took ownership of them. The right winged media and other Harpercon cheerleaders would make sure that Stevie gets credit for the success of the Olympics, particularly the hockey match; a national religion.

We will have only ourselves to blame for this.

Then another frustration, Canadians Against Prorogation of Parliament movement ceased? I had heard from some of the fellow Montreal organizers that Chris White who originally formed the group was planning to leave it altogether come March 3, when parliament reconvenes.  Honestly, I don’t think he ever anticipated his group transforming to the big movement that it did. It must have overwhelmed him. No matter, parliament is reconvening this week.

However, there was no other action. It’s like we ran scared when many of these corporate media outfits as well as other right wing bloggers and pundits lambasted us. Sure there were mistakes across the land, but over all, it was successful. I mean, why else would they have lambasted us?  We can’t expect these media outlets to praise the rallies; they’re like the Fox News of Canada. However, if they ignored us completely, then we wouldn’t have been successful. I think many don’t think of it that way. They think negativity in the press, time to run. I think the opposite. It is incumbent upon us, the grassroots to fight the corporate media machine back as well as St-Stevie and his power tripping.

The other problem is that we’ve allowed ourselves to splinter.  Remember what I’ve said about one of the main Stevie’s successes: divide and conquer. His biggest fear appears to be a coalition ganging up on him. How one breaks a united front like a coalition government is to divide and conquer it. The grassroots movements need to unite once again, or Stevie and the Harpercons will ride roughshod.

Yes, people are busy with jobs, families, school for some, other personal projects.  Know something else? So is the Tea-bagger hit parade with all their noise, zaniness, convoluted logic and misspelled signs. Albeit strange and exaggerated, they fear the evil socialists.  They do fight hard. How else does a disgraced vice-presidential candidate get to become president come 2012? And it will happen if the tea-baggers keep it, which I suspect they will.

Naturally, I’m not advocating something exactly like the tea-baggers; they’re like a cult; they’ve been brainwashed into believing silly things like the Insurance business practises are somehow very Christian and other ridiculousness.

A more coherent example would be the  Europeans. They would never allow any government to change their way of life unless it was for the better.

All I’m saying is that we must continue the movement or different movements we started earlier with the best of intentions and to not be afraid of the right winged media. Because, that is what Stevie counts on: he also will look for the time to pounce with some other totalitarian-ish thing when Canadian voters are least likely to look. Now would be a good time for them due to the shiny gold medals.

How come we have all this time and energy for sporting events like hockey and/or the Olympics but not to keep our governments accountable?

The Peace Tower is seen behind a sign mocking Prime Minister Stephen Harper during an Ottawa anti-prorogation rally on Saturday, Jan. 23, 2010.

Update: I just heard from Brian Lilley that the latest Ipsos Reid has ST-Stevie back at 37%. Within majority grasp. Who said that the olympic gold medals would never have Canadians forgive him? Not only is he forgiven; I bet they thought he did well to prorogue so that the Olympic athletes, particularly hockey team would win.

Yes! Be Afraid! Be very afraid!

2 comments to Stevie Will Be Back on Top and We’ll Have Only Ourselves to Blame

  • CanNurse

    SisterSage – Canadians Against Proroguing Parliament has not cease or ended at all. On March 3, the moderator & originator of the group, Christopher White, will step down as Administrator – because he has exams & papers to do for grad school. Other very efficient people will take over. And every city has it’s own group, each of which is taking some form of future action – depending on the group & their perceived needs.

    I thought your last line in particular was excellent – we need T-shirts! “How come we have all this time and energy for sporting events like hockey and/or the Olympics but not to keep our governments accountable?

  • Mr Sparkle…

    Superb article, great writing style, content, and blog theme….