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Too busy Launching Poison Pill Budget and Enjoying Majority Numbers

St-Stevie is not sending a disaster relief team to Chile, nor is as quick to act as he was with Haiti. Of course not, now that prorogation was found to be necessary for Canada to win Olympic gold and St-Stevie is now the hero, why would he have to help Chile so quickly now?

True, Chile is far more prosperous than Haiti and they were better prepared for these kind of disasters as well and thus, may not need help as urgently. Apparently, Chile has not even formally asked Canada for help.

However, if Chile were the 7th circle of hell just like Haiti and they had no disaster preparedness, and given St-Stevie’s numbers right back up there to stay, unless we can miraculously get his numbers down and get an election off the ground to be rid of him once and for all, would he have rushed to Chile’s aid? My guess is no.

One thing I’ve learned: most Canadians are morally bankrupt. The message we sent Harper was that he didn’t need to rush to Haiti’s aid or even beat Nicolas Sarkozy to Haiti. He didn’t even need to part with his money. No,  most of these Canadians sent St-Stevie and us the message that all he has to do is own a sporting event, particularly where NHL hockey is involved, win gold medals and voila! Majority territory! Who needs to go to the trouble of helping Chile, or anyone else  out anyway? Conservatives and Libertarians and the like don’t believe in helping their fellow man anyway.

Sidenote: yeah yeah yeah: Media outlets say St-Stevie don’t have enough for a majority, but please recall that Chretien won majorities with only 37%

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