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Why Should We Be Surprised?

Of course Steve would ignore the Mexican President Felipe Calderon’s assault on Mexican workers’ rights.

Not one word could I find on Mexico’s continuing assault on worker rights.  This in spite of a statement on May 21 by CLC President Ken Georgetti urging Stephen Harper to “raise the issue of the continuing violation of fundamental labour rights and the repression of democratic labour unions in Mexico.”   Georgetti’s letter cited violations of ILO conventions including the repression against Mexico’s independent National Mineworkers’ Union, Los Mineros, and the union busting and mass firing of 40,000 members of the SME, the Mexico City electrical workers.

Many of our service and production workers lost their jobs to much cheaper labor in countries with no labor laws and where children are believed to be created for endentured servitude. We don’t seem to care about them and we do turn a blind eye to that.

Never mind that there have been far more product recalls over recent years, than, well, ever.

Anyway, click the above link and read.

I have a feeling Steve would kill to have us work for slave wages and even lift child labour laws  if given his majority. Unions will be a thing of the past. I had heard many conservative thinkers saying that western children are whimps and should be made to work (and somehow, I don’t think they mean just school work).

I had even heard that in the U.S. (don’t know about Canada, but wouldn’t be surprised to hear if some were involved), some folks have trafficked children in from third world countries for slave domestic help. How often do they get caught?

And they say it can’t happen here.

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