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Yes, Those Dastardly Muslims Are The Ones To Be Blamed For Multi-billion Dollar Photo Ops

Go figure! Craig Smith has figured things out yet again. I think he found another Muslim Commie boogie man under his bed this morning. Of course, we’re still waiting for Craig to explain how an overpriced photo op is being blamed on Muslims.  Yes, Muslims decided to somehow hijack billions of dollars from Steve to hold a hootenany soon.

More than that, he is displaying that Mark Steyn paranoia of  no more Western society (meaning the decline of the WASPy population).

The fact that 95% of Muslims are good people does not excuse Islam for its despicable end game. Time is running out for western society. It only took one Hitler. Is it worth the risk?

I daresay Craig has just illustrated an example in Marci McDonald’s new book, The Armageddon Factor.  Ezzy, I’m afraid you just lost this battle to slam and discredit Marci McDonald’s new book with the help of one of your blogging tory minions, Craig here.

So Craig what do you wish to to do with the 95% of Muslims who are good? Do what Ann Coulter suggests and convert them to Christianity? Or should we just, ya know, lock them in internment camps only to eventually kill them off too?

Well, we’re already at risk for something far more evil. We have a GW Bush crossed with a General Augusto Pinochet  wannabe dangerously close to his majority. Not good enough for ya?

There will be WASPS out protesting too…but that’s neither here nor there.

Back to billion dollar hootenany; with the the technology of tele-conferencing and such, nobody should have to leave home for such serious talks; that much cheaper…protester and terrorist proof.

Again, I just don’t get it!

4 comments to Yes, Those Dastardly Muslims Are The Ones To Be Blamed For Multi-billion Dollar Photo Ops

  • I must blame the Muslims for the high cost of security. At the G8 Summit in Quebec City, many of the protesters looked like Muslims wearing Islamic face coverings. Not only that, they were screaming something in Muslim…something like, “Allah bibliothèque!”

    “Allah wetah, zhunti Allah wetah,
    Allah wetah, zhuh tuh plumaray!”

    ck Reply:

    Skinny Dipper, Thanks so much for that! You gave me a good laugh to cap off a very difficult week for me, so I am forever in your debt (well, not quite, but I do appreciate the gesture!)

  • I’m glad you got my sense of humour.

    In terms of protesters at previous summits in North America and Europe, most of them appeared to be European white Caucasians. I know that Muslims have many different skin tones. I just don’t think that most of the protesters were Muslim. I think that very few of the Toronto protesters will be Muslim.

    ck Reply:

    Sorry for delay in publishing comment. My husband needed the computer and yanno, I have to sometimes let him use it. Go figure!

    You’re right, most of those protesters who gather at these summits are white and have little to do with Islam or Taliban or anything like that.