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Wow! How Low Can These Anti-Gun Control People Go?

Touchy! I mean, wow! How low will  these anti-gun control people  sink?  And folks still refuse to see that we’re becoming more and more Americanized.

First it was that yahoo,  MP Gary Breitkreuz (through his old flunkie using  bad sock puppetry) not only claiming that the police who support the long gun registry were corrupt and can be bought and sold, but also wished physical harm on Iggy. That was nothing short of insanity whether the flunkie acted on his own or followed orders from Redneck Breitkreuz himself.

Well, independent MP Andre Arthur for  Portneuf-Jacques-Cartier, a rural Quebec riding where they hunt by day,  drink by night (ok, a generality, but take it from someone who has spent considerable time in rural Quebec; there isn’t much else to do in these villages and towns and you’d be surprised at how much higher instances of DUI are than in urban areas)  and  church on Sundays; is now having a hissy fit. It appears that survivors of the Polytechnique massacre are not only liars in his world, but they are also a waste of his precious time.

« Ce qui me met le feu au derrière, c’est qu’il m’a fait perdre une heure de mon temps, ils reviennent à la charge, ils me dénoncent et ils ne disent pas que je les ai déjà rencontrés », a martelé M. Arthur.

Dans le communiqué, M. Laganière écrit pourtant qu’il lui est difficile de comprendre pourquoi le député de sa circonscription refuse de le rencontrer sur une question ayant autant d’impacts sur la société.

« Tout ce que nous avons demandé, c’est d’être écoutés », écrit aussi la présidente du Comité des étudiants de Polytechnique pour le contrôle des armes à feu, Heidi Rathjen, soulevant la colère d’André Arthur.

« Ces gens-là sont des manipulateurs. Ils sont prêts à mentir pour la cause », a dénoncé à son tour l’ex-animateur de radio, avant de lancer un commentaire cinglant à l’endroit de M. Laganière, qu’il a qualifié de confus.

« Si j’avais été un étudiant de Polytechnique et que 14 de mes compagnes de classe avaient été tirées pendant que j’étais caché en dessous d’un bureau, moi aussi je passerais le reste de mes jours à essayer de me disculper. »

Loosely translated, in the third paragraph, the president of the Polytechnique Student Committe, Heidi Rathjen is simply asking the MP to listen to them.

What was this Polytecnique group thinking?  Don’t they realize that those 50 minutes they took out of the MP’s life in March, 2009 will never be recouperated?  They should be fry for even demanding to take more time from MP Arthur’s life he will never get back. What were they thinking? Sheesh!

All snark aside.

Seriously, though, that last paragraph sinks him or any pro-gun person for that matter, to an new all time low. Loosely translated, he said that if he were one of the survivors hiding under a desk while 14 of his classmates were shot to death, he too would seek to clear himself of any guilt.  I don’t know if that is worse than calling police groups actively campaiging to maintain the registry or threatening bodily harm on Iggy.

It doesn’t really matter. All snark and jokes aside,  such rhetoric  is dangerous. Yes, perhaps even moreso if not just as dangerous than the bikers and career criminals we hear of.

Worse, we’re becoming more and more like the bible belt of America.

Here is the report from the Polytechnique survivors’ group regarding MP Arthur’s refusal to meet with them this time around. Sorry, it’s in French, but if you go to today’s post over at Cowboys for Social Responsibility, and go to their subsequent links, they break down the highlights in English. Really worth the read, simply if for no other reason, but to see how scary these people are;  the Canadian version of the National Rifle Association is about to be born.

4 comments to Wow! How Low Can These Anti-Gun Control People Go?

  • Torontonian

    I remember Breitkreuz for his tasteless
    and insensitive remarks during the
    listeriosis scare of a couple years ago.

    Sadly, he’s still in the House.

    I hope the good people of Saskatchewan
    get rid of him next time round.

    ck Reply:

    Wasn’t that Gerry Ritz? ?

    Although, I can understand; the names sound somewhat similar and most of these Harpercons are the same looney tune yahoos who are interchangeable.

  • Guillaume Haché

    Umm… The FULL translation would point out to your english language readers that the member (called a Deputy in QC) was complaining that while he had listened to the victims, they were actively and vocally claiming that he had refused to meet with them. It’s a language issue, and perhaps you’ve made a genuine mistake, however I assure you, as a francophone, that his complaint is entirely valid, at least from a gramatical point of view. And entirely valid in all respects if he has met with the victims, as this means that the victims can only be playing politics by purposefully colouring journalist reporting as otherwise.

    I vote NDP. I’m pretty hard-left. I just don’t like people twisting the truth to make our points. What you actually do is proove to the opposition that you aren’t an honest debater.

    ck Reply:

    He did meet with them in March 2009, before c-391 even came out. Therefore, the Polytechnique survivors saw M Arthur about another bill from MP Breitkreuz; I believe that was c-301 (not sure of that number though).

    Arthur also implied (to me anyway) that he felt they took 50 minutes out of his life he will never get back. He did refuse to meet witht them recently regarding bill c-391.