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But Steve is Just an Everyday Small “c” Prime Minister, Right?

Steve once again proves to us that he and he alone is controlling the message.Remember those columns Greg Weston wrote for Sun Media recently, telling us the cost of G20/G8 frivolities? In addition to the overpriced security, it was largely in part thanks to Greg Weston for letting the public know about such things like Fake lakes, limited edition blackberries, living walls with self-irrigation, and of course, overpriced back drops and more to be coming up as Don Crook mentioned to Dan Laxer this morning on CJAD.

Since I never believed in coincidences in the first place; that everything is somehow linked to something else and so on, I share Scott’s cynicism.

There was concern in the Parliamentary Press Gallery last week that the sudden appointment of Kory Teneycke, Mr. Harper’s former communications director, to oversee journalists at the Quebecor Media Inc. Parliament Hill bureau, may have been related to controversial stories about the summit spending. Several of the most controversial reports were broken by a member of the bureau, Sun Media columnist Greg Weston.

It appears something happened. One source said Mr. Weston’s column “is gone,” and there were possible talks about a position in Washington, D.C.

If Weston’s column has mysteriously disappeared from Koy’s new ‘acquisition’, I sincerely hope Mr Weston doesn’t go away quietly.  We need balanced impartial writers like Weston. Canada is sorely lacking them in this day and age. And no, Blogging SupposiTories, balanced and objective reporting is non-partisan, not cheerleading for the Harpercons”.

David Akin, a reporter I once respected because of his balance reporting was the first to join ranks with Fox News North, even before the CRTC issues its’ license. He claimed on Twitter for a few days that he would remain impartial the way he always had but there are skeptics out there. Count me among them; especially if  Kory  Teneckye and his ‘friends’ really did cut Weston’s column for simply telling Canadians where their tax dollars were going with regard to this promotional event (Craig Oliver called it that). Akin certainly wouldn’t want to lose his new job now would he? Yikes!

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