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Sara Landriault Now Invokes Martin Luther King–Ain’t That Special?

The trolls have been darkening my doorstep (or should I say ‘whitening’?) from my last post on the lilley (pun very much intended!! Eh, Brian?) white princess Sara Landriault are out in full force these days.  All they can see is white persecution. I write a post about starting at the bottom of the ladder, appreciating what we do have, making the best out of bad situations and yes, a summary of a decade long trip to hell and back (something I never wanted to blog about, but felt a need to, but it seems I’m the Liberal bitch for it nonetheless, oh well.  Whoever said rednecks were smart). I’m disappointed that the Klan car brigade refuses to see the real downtroddenness.

Hey fuckheads! Get over yourselves, will ya? This is about a middle class princess who is being less than honest and refuses to chip a  finger nail and do something at the bottom of the ladder like I did; like so many others did.

She has no education, no marketable skills, no work experience for the better part of the last decade. Cleaning toilets at Timmy Horton’s seems only fitting as a start! Ok, being a maid too.  What can I say? Most factory jobs are in India and China these days.

Now, our dearest Sara Landriault has pulled the ultimate in wingnuttery. Get ready for this one, boys n’ girls! She invokes none other than THE Dr. Martin Luther King! I wish I were kidding. Scroll to the end of her post.  Oh, dear!  Oh Princess! Get a grip! Martin Luther King must be rolling over in his grave if he could read your blog.   You are not relegated to drinking from white only water fountains; whites only schools for your kids which are sub standard to other kids. You don’t live in substandard housing conditions.   You & your family were never banished from coffee shops for simply being white. You weren’t segregated by force to live in a white only neighbourhood. Your kids probably could eat in a lunch room safely and take the school bus. You never had to ride the back of the bus simply for being white.  Seriously!!!!

Another thing, dear Sara! I am a civil servant for the Quebec government. Guess what? I’m White!!! Ding! Ding! DinG! No problem there! Yes, they hire from every group, but it isn’t their deciding factor.

Commenter slg over at Scott’s place points out what I forgot, an employer, from public sector or otherwise is never going to tell you you’re refused because of skin colour or disability.  That would be illegal.

Discrimination by employers be it the private sector or public for the most part practice discrimination of some kind; always have; always will. What the hell do you call the selection process? The collection of CVs; the interview selections, etc.?

And most importantly. The private sector still passes over highly qualified blacks, aboriginals, other visible minorities, women and yes, kids, sadly, the disabled.  Particularly the disabled, as many companies are not completely accessible to their needs and heaven help their bottom line if they were to make their infrastructures more accessible to the disabled.

Folks whining as to when employment equity programs or affirmative action will come to an end? When the whining stops; that’s when.  As long as there is whining. As long as there are rednecks using KKK lingo crying white persecution, we are far from not needing such programs.

Sara, get off the duff. Go back to school. Get skills. Take a bottom of the ladder job and save us some grief.

14 comments to Sara Landriault Now Invokes Martin Luther King–Ain’t That Special?

  • It’s one thing to suffer from a complete lack of self awareness. It’s another to believe you are owed things because you are white. No matter the colour, we all have to work to get work. Landriault is just lazy and not too bright. That’s what is really holding her back.

    Though I don’t blame her for not wanting to wash toilets for a living; there’s always a minority to do that.

    ck Reply:

    Jymn, what they fail to get is that in the rest of the working world, like the private sector, visible minorities and immigrants have a difficult time of it. I used to dispatch taxis for a living. Don’t know about ROC, but in Montreal, most taxi drivers are immigrants. Many of the ones I’ve worked with were doctors, businessmen, engineers, scientists and teachers in their home countries and have difficulties with accreditations. Not necessarily in passing the exam material, but to actually get access to the courses needed to prep them for these exams and such.

  • Apparently, if you support affirmative action programs, you’re now a racist. So I’ve been told at my site. The “reverse racism” cry is what they’re using, apparently to try and justify getting rid of affirmative action programs. Utter nonsense.

    ck Reply:

    Scott, I hear ya. I was at the Town Hall with Iggy and Justin this morning. I think Sara Landriault and Jason Kenney as well as the rest of their sympathizers like Brian Lilley would have turned 10 shades of purple. The western part of Justin’s riding, Papineau covers the district of Park Extension which is mostly immigrant: Greek, India, Bengladesh, Pakistan, and many others I can’t think of off hand. And one they both said was that not only that employment equity programs must continue to exist in the civil service, but that MORE immigrants are needed in Canada and that if elected, the Liberals would streamline accreditations for doctors and nurses from outside who wish to emigrate to Canada. I know, a healthy dose of skepticism is good, but still…folks are asking Liberals for ideas…and this is one to send the Blogging SupposiTories to a collective nervous breakdown.

  • Edgar Dung

    If white people who complain when discriminated against are “whiners”, I certainly expect you to throw out the same insults the next time there is an article about an Arab or black person being unfairly targeted in the job market or when trying to secure a home. Or will that somehow be different?

    Oh, and I agree with you that Sara Landriault shouldn’t be offered a job if she “has no education, no marketable skills, no work experience for the better part of the last decade.”

    Much like the minorities in Montreal who were offered full-time spots on the city’s police force if they agreed to sign up for a mere three-month police program (as opposed to a three-year program for whites, or “rednecks”, as you call them).

    Or is that situation different?

    And Sister Sage, you never responded to my post on your previous blog. Instead, you simply deleted your own comment in which you referred to another poster as “the head of the KKK”. lol

    ck Reply:

    I deleted that comment by mistake. We all make mistakes or are you Mr Perfect? Not that I owe you any explanation. As for that KKK line. Well, he comes off as such and I call ‘em as I see ‘em. Boy, you can sure dish but when someone like me bitch slaps them with the truth, they start crying. Why is that?

  • glad to see you writing about this, ck. Landriault herself admits she lacks work experience and education – whined about that a few months back. Now she’s whining about racial discrimination. Since less than 1% of fed. gov. jobs are designated as employment equity jobs (as the public service employment act, passed by parliament and voted on by the majority of elected members demands in order to have a representative workforce), why the fuck can’t she get one of the 99% non-designated jobs? Because she doesn’t qualify, regardless of her skin colour, but is too much of a whiner to admit it, and to fucking lazy to go the long road like you did.

    What really pisses me off about this dumb cow is how she is complicit in the divise politics of Harper & Co. Shake up that rabid white base that hates anyone who isn’t…what? White, bitter, dumb as puke, dogmatic, usually a member of some fundamentalist christian group, still believes that capitalism is a good idea, thinks a free market left to it’s own devices will self regulate to the benefit of all.

    So this twat shakes them up with her dishonest claim, Day and Kenney run with it while Lilley and Lowell Green stick their whorish noses up Harper’s ass hoping to get government funding for their bull-shit bastardization of a media org.

    A couple of days ago, Day turns around and whines in his turn that journalists are exploding a single incident into a big deal (but only after being slapped around by sane people for a couple of days), hoping we’ll not notice that it was Harper’s kiss-asses, Lilley and Green who spread the story ad nauseum.

    Not satisfied with that, Day goes on to blame – you guessed it – public servants who don’t really understand EE law, so he says.

    Every year, the Senate Committee on Human Rights reviews the public service commission’s annual report, and every year it tells the commission it has come short on hiring vis. mins. and what the hell are they going to do about it? Liulley and Green know this, but don’t print it since it doesn’t fit their Fox News style agenda. Day and Kenney know this as well, since they get the annual report and are privy to committee notes, but they would rather pretend we all live in a parallel, fucked up universe so that they can shake up more divisiveness thinking, fucked up as they are, that this will win them more votes. Bunker mentality – they see only their own minds and fail to realize the majority of Canadians aren’t complete racist morons like them and most of their base.

    I don’t for a moment believe Landriault just happened to innocently apply for this job without realizing it was closed to all but vis. mins and aboriginals. She is clearly a dumb-ass, but she claims she read the poster and thought she qualified. Bull-shit! The first few lines clearly state the competition is open to vis. mins. and aboriginals only. Just for people like her, maybe, it says the same thing again, further on. At great length. So there’s no way in hell she didn’t know and was 20 minutes into the app.

    Nor do I believe her claim that Lilley just happened to read her post that day, then called her. Really? Lilley reads “Choice For Childcare on a regular basis, so often that he read it the very day she put up the post? No fucking way. She called him, I’d bet.

    Then Day and Kenney slip the leash to not only post press releases on their departmental sites on this very topic – immediately – but give numerous interviews on the subject. This whole ridiculous invention didn’t just happen, it was made to happen. The CONs needed to take the heat off concerning their monumental fuck up over the census form, so they come up with this latest crap, sure to divert from sane discussion as the rabid base blindly calls for blood.

    There’s a picture of Landriault floating around on the Net of her next to Harper in his office – I’m guessing it’s when she met with him over the stay-at-home-mom childcare thing. She’s no stranger to the CONs.

    So now, she still has no job, won’t get one with the fed. gov. because public servants, despite what her like minded types think, do need to have a certain level of education and skills set, and she just doesn’t qualify. I predict her next round of whining will be they won’t hire her because she bravely challenged them on discrimination. Boo-hoo-fucking-hoo.

    Typical mindless, racist, dumb-ass right wing extremist walking around with a fucked up sense of entitlement, meanwhile leaving a trail of destruction in her wake.

    Haven’t posted in a long while, but this step back in employment equity, this stigmatization of minorities, perpetuating the lie that they only get the jobs because of their skin colour really is devastating.

    The less than 1% of jobs reserved for visible minorities and aboriginals still demand the same level of education and skills, and I have personally seen times when such jobs had to be opened to others since not enough applicants qualified.

    The public serive should be representative of the public it serves.

    ck Reply:

    Hey 900ft jesus. Thanks for your remarks. She & others like her so deserve my bitch slapping & I so welcome those who join me in this venture.

    After all, don’t these cons preach the sanctity of taking responsibility for one’s actions and life? Ain’t they the ones who chastise the left for ‘blaming others’ for their own misfortunes? Well, time they got a spoonful of their own rancid tasting medicine shoved down their throats.

    When I saw that she invoked the great Martin Luther King, that was just the straw that broke the camel’s back for me, given we know what Martin Luther King really fought for; actual civil rights for black people in the US; many of which I brought up on my post, as you know.

  • bitch slapping may not be as elegant as Martin Luther King’s approach, but it’s needed. Thanks again for covering this. You, and those like you who give so much of your time to this are fighting for us all. (Don’t know how you manage to keep your dinner down, though!!)

    ck Reply:

    keeping my dinner down comes easier as I bitch slap further. She wholly deserves it.

    I just thought of something. A commenter on another post believed some like minded employer might well give her a job after all this. I don’t think so. Even if this employer agrees with the stripping of affirmative action and all, Landriault has just gotten the reputation of a problem employee which employers, especially the most conservative of them hate most, no matter their political views. They may have black employees and wonder if she’lll play nice with them? Not out of concern for their well being, necessarily, but because they hate problems & problem employees as I’ve mentioned! To these employers, loose cannons like Landriault are just not worth it. She’s burned her bridges with the work force before she started. Perhaps justice is poetic after all!

  • Edgar Dung

    Again, you entirely disregarded my questions/comments and responded with drivel about “bitch slapping” and making people cry (it would be groovy if you pointed out when you did both of those things).

    Please respond to my above post. I won’t bother re-pasting it — if you work hard enough, I’m sure you’ll find it again.

    Never let facts get in the way of rhetoric, eh?

    ck Reply:

    What facts? Your questions were answered. Too bad you don’t like the answers.

    If a black person came on here and suggested that blacks should be treated fairly, would you label that person a racist and the “head of the Black Panthers”?

    The problem is that many blacks and visible minorities are all too often passed up for housing and employment simply due to the colour of their skin. Happens in the private sector all the time. In fact, I’m sure that if a less qualified white person competed with someone with a visible minority with clearly better credentials and experience, the white person would be hired.

    If not enough visible minorities applied for the police tech program when you applied then they would have started making another selection of those who didn’t make the first cut. You were probably refused for something else. I went to both John Abbott and College Ahuntsic; both schools who offer the program and I have met many students and their instructors over the years. You,re full of shit.

    You`re just like Sarah Landriault, blaming others for your own inadequacies. Don’t you cons frown upon this? If you really wanted to be a cop, you should have reapplied or tried at the other institution that offered the program or left the province.

    And you`re full of shit about the fast tracking of the police tech program for visible minorities, unless it was for those who were trained and worked as police officers in their respective countries and it was a simple matter of getting accreditation to be police officers here.

    You have shit to substantiate your’s.

    I had a landlady who had a perfect way of getting around that. She didn`t advertise her dwelling. She simply put a for rent sign in the window and indicated to ring the bell; no phone number even. She told that she wanted to meet potential tenants in person. If they were of a visible minority, she told them the place was rented out or would quote a ridiculously high rent. She wasn’t the most creative or even the most clever person on the planet. How many other landlords have used this tactic before her and continue to do so?

    I knew of another landlord who pulled the old family members are moving in kind of thing when visible minorities would attempt to rent as direct family members trump all in Quebec.

    As for the job market, well, it would take a novel for me to write and my break is almost over & besides, if you are in denial of discrimination still occurring, nothing I can do for you.

    And if you think the disabled ain`t discriminated against, think again. Check very carefully how many work places are even adapted to their needs.

  • Edgar Dung

    “If not enough visible minorities applied for the police tech program when you applied then they would have started making another selection of those who didn’t make the first cut. You were probably refused for something else. I went to both John Abbott and College Ahuntsic; both schools who offer the program and I have met many students and their instructors over the years. You,re full of shit.”

    I like that you shrug away any opinion that differs than your own as being “full of shit”.

    You know students and instructors from John Abbott, so that means makes you an expert on their police technology program? Are you serious? LOL

    “You`re just like Sarah Landriault, blaming others for your own inadequacies. Don’t you cons frown upon this? If you really wanted to be a cop, you should have reapplied or tried at the other institution that offered the program or left the province.”

    Actually, I did reapply and get accepted, but because I was turned down because of RACE and not merit, I told them to fuck themselves. However, to suggest that I should have to leave my home province to get a job because of my skin colour is asinine at best. Should a black person have to leave their home in, say, Montreal to get into a program if they are discriminated against? Or is that inconvenience that you feel should only apply to whites?

    And who said I was a “Con”, dipshit? I don’t consider myself a Conservative or a Liberal. Both parties have some values that I agree with and some that I don’t. I’m not so stupid as to paint either group with broad strokes like you.

    “As for the job market, well, it would take a novel for me to write and my break is almost over & besides, if you are in denial of discrimination still occurring, nothing I can do for you.
    And if you think the disabled ain`t discriminated against, think again. Check very carefully how many work places are even adapted to their needs.”

    Point out where I said discrimination doesn’t exist. Of course it exists, but you don’t get rid of it by victimizing another group. If discrimination is wrong, then it’s wrong to discriminate against anyone. However, you seem to feel that it’s OK victimize whites if it benefits other races…and maybe makes you feel more worldly and multi-cultural.

    Baa, baa, says the sheep. Baa, baa.

    ck Reply:

    Nobody is victimizing whites. Just people like you & Sarah Landriault seem to enjoy playing the victim card. And you obviously haven’t read the comments from 900ft jesus who also punched holes in Landriault’s little white persecution gambit.

    You seem to think this gang of unqualified visible minorities get all kinds of jobs everywhere without qualifications. That is simply not true. You also have this stupid notion they would leave a position unfilled if an employer doesn’t find a QUALIFIED visible minority to fill that spot. Again, not true.
    Actually, I did reapply and get accepted, but because I was turned down because of RACE and not merit, I told them to fuck themselves. However, to suggest that I should have to leave my home province to get a job because of my skin colour is asinine at best. Should a black person have to leave their home in, say, Montreal to get into a program if they are discriminated against? Or is that inconvenience that you feel should only apply to whites?

    Then you and you alone made the decision to not pursue the program. Your skin colour had nothing to do with it.

    Many leave their homes in pursuit of better employment opportunities for whatever reason. It’s not such a novel concept.

    White males still have all the opportunities in the world. Especially with the Harpercons; remember, Steve said we were a left winged fringe group.