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JoJo Blue Like You (Who’s You?) Attempts To Lecture Iggy on Compassion; This Outta Be Good For a Laugh!

Oh yeah, Jojo, compassionate, like, say,  Stevie Spiteful and the Harpercons? Stevie I want only free market wealth care for billionaires?  ”Canada is a Northern European state of the worst kind?”  Stevie who would cut old age pensions and EI in a nano second?  Stevie who wants thinks F-35s are more important than universal health care? Stevie who is responsible for the largest mass arrest in Canadian history?  Stevie who silences dissent in the most hideous of ways until he finds even more hideous ways to do so? Stevie, who kicks Helena Guergis out of caucus on the word of a questionable private investigator, who is now cleared of wrong doing by the RCMP, but will still not let her back into caucus or even run as a Harpercon in her own riding?  Steve who throws people like Linda Keen and Richard Colvin under the bus for simply letting him know some ugly truths? I’m falling off my chair with hysterical giggles now.

Wait! It gets funnier. See how Jojo chastises Iggy for bullshitting about his compassion:

Ah yes. Compassion. Being touted by the man who warned his younger brother to keep his distance during his ‘public education’ years:

“We went for a walk, and he said, ‘I want to make one thing absolutely clear to you. When we’re at Aunt Helen’s house or Aunt Charity’s house [Charity Grant, their mother's sister], you can say whatever you want to me. But if you ever see me on the school grounds, you’re not to talk to me. You’re not to recognize that I’m your brother. You don’t exist as far as I’m concerned. Do I make myself clear?’”

Oh Jojo you never did anything similar with your younger siblings when you were a kid? I think most of us who have younger siblings can relate to the above statement; I think most of us treated our little brothers/sisters as public embarrassments #1 and didn’t want anyone to know we were related to them.  Perhaps Jojo was an only child. Probably after her mom saw her; they broke the mold.

But then, as I’ve said, many of these blogging SupposiTories, like so many of these Harpercon cheerleaders and Steve himself, not only don’t have compassion, they’re evil. Anybody willing to watch human suffering and then blog or talk about it with such relish has to be evil; no redeeming bone in their body.

I bet Jojo ate paste when she was in kindergarten.

I bet Jojo didn’t even bother to show up when the Liberal bus showed up in her area when they passed like so many other people as well as I did. No, that would actually require some capacity to think for herself.  Perhaps even risking being kicked out of playing the Blogging SupposiTory reindeer games.  She, like most Harpercon cheerleaders, is incapapble of thinking for herself, so she lets folks like David Frum and Sun Media do her thinking for her. Very commendable!

So far, most who have actually been to an event have nothing but positive reviews. Maybe Iggy isn’t the most empathetic man t. Guess what? None of these politicians really are. But what he’s saying a Liberal party would do or not do if elected is certainly a far sight more compassionate than a Harpercon junta majority; hell,  Dracula, Yosemite Sam, The Joker from Batman, Attilla the Hun, etc (insert any villain here) would be more compassionate than Stevie spiteful.  I expect he could become comparable to Augusto Pinochet, particularly after what happened at the G20.

8 comments to JoJo Blue Like You (Who’s You?) Attempts To Lecture Iggy on Compassion; This Outta Be Good For a Laugh!

  • JJ

    “I expect he could become comparable to Augusto Pinochet”

    The democratically-elected Stephen Harper could become comparable to a brutal dictator who ruled by military junta and murdered/tortured/disappeared hundreds (if not thousands) of people?

    And we wonder why the connies call us “barking moonbats”.

    There are plenty of good, rational reasons to oppose the Harper government, but the possibility that it will morph into a murderous military dictatorship is probably not among them.

    ck Reply:

    Let him loose with a majority and find out? If what happened at the G20 is any indication, the intro of a police state, the crushing of dissent, how far would he go? I don’t really want to find out. He has all the traits of a dictator which come through more and more these days. He’s turning out to be even more frightening than GW Bush ever was.

    Hell, even Paul Martin almost put out an ad predicting that Steve wanted to have the streets of Canada patrolled by the military. Again, after turning TO into a police state, is that so far fetched?

    Even many years ago, when he was a young politico, he told Susan Crean, co author of a book with a known independentiste, Marcel Rioux, that she “should never have been allowed to write that book!”

    Steve’s hard right agenda is now clear. Has been for awhile now. Stephen Taylor made it clear in his recent column in Natty Po. Even the blogging SupposiTories have shifted from hiding the far right agenda to pushing it. He is not your typical small c con from the days of Joe Clark or even Lyin’ Brian Mulroney; hell, he’s even worse than Mike Harris.

    I know you have certain reservations about the mandatory census long form, but there is something very sinister behind his relentlessness to scrap it. The list of those who want to keep it; many of those individuals and groups who were a part of the Harpercon base, including Harpercon MP from Edmonton Leduc, James Rajotte. I expect he will be punished by Master Steve for this or he will be (ahem!) “persuaded” to change his mind; we haven’t heard from him since.

    Given all these people and groups within his very own base, many of whom probably contribute to the Harpercon coffers, want to keep the mandatory long form census as is, one would think if Steve wants to win an election this fall, he would simply reinstate it; no harm; no foul. Just like the National Anthem blurb. Something bigger is behind this. Steve the master tactician wouldn’t risk losing something as pesky as an election for this.

    He may be democratically elected…for now. But what if the Liberals squeaked through with a minority? According to the rules of Westminster parliament, Steve doesn’t have to budge, apparently and could stick around like MacKenzie King did. Or if and when Steve gets his majority, he may never hold elections again, like that French video from the 2009 by-election slogan suggests.

    He’s done and continues to do all kinds of insidious things no one could have imagined in Canada. Even people from outside Canada who come from problematic countries couldn’t believe what they saw at the G20.

    Pinochet killed and murdered in the name of free markets and his own ideology; what is Steve willing to do, if we give him the chance; if we remain typically apathetic or continue to allow corporate media to do our thinking for us?

  • JJ

    Sorry about that, Ck. The line about Pinochet just cracked me up.

    I don’t care for the Harper government either. But taking it down means making the case against it in a way that will be taken seriously outside the left-wing echo chamber, and that calls for only the most judicious use of hyperbole.

    Just my 2cents.

    ck Reply:

    Could crack you up now, but, the man is a dictator and has every characteristic of a dictator. The fact that he was elected doesn’t mean he isn’t. I think one of the first things he’ll do when/if he’ll get his majority is remove elections.

  • JJ

    “I think one of the first things he’ll do when/if he’ll get his majority is remove elections.”

    Sure, right after he eats a live kitten, the cornerstone of any nutritious breakfast in the Harper household. (Why do you think he named his cat CHEDDAR?? Mmm, cheeseh kitteh.)

    Carry on.

    ck Reply:

    Perhaps you should watch the video again: this ain’t no copywriting error. Action! No election! That slogan where he promises no elections.

    Paul Martin also warned of Steve putting the military in the streets years ago. The ads never made on TV, but folks thought he was ridiculous for that. The G20 police state of Toronto realized that one.

    ck Reply:

    Oh, and was that necessary? I expect that from one of my trolls or a Blogging SupposiTory. But not a fellow prog Blogger.

  • JJ

    No, it wasn’t necessary. Just trying to add a little levity.