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Rob Anders Makes All Kinds of Allegations Without Proof–Liberal Candidate Tweets a Truth, Yet, They Call For Her Head–We Juxtapose!

Only in Calgary West. Actually, no. It just so happens that Harpercon MP Rob Anders and Liberal candidate, Jennifer Pollock happen to be from the riding of Calgary West. It’s those shrieking Harpercon cheerleaders, who once again, show their total lack of coherence.

First, here’s Rob Anders. I don’t really have to delve further into that. Rosie Barton does a fine job of displaying his  hot headedness and stupdidity on her own.

Ok, Rob, you may get a head-ache; you may even get a nosebleed. But I’m going to send a thought your way.  In any country; any culture, if young, attractive girls are hitting up on older, balding, portly businessmen in suits in a club or a bar, it’s because they’re after men with money pure and simply. They could simply have been looking for a sugar daddy. Or even more likely, were ‘working girls’. Those girls are generally going to go where money is, no?

Yes, Rob Anders really can’t seem to help making an ass out of himself. The more Rosie Barton asks him pointed questions, the more he sounds like a total dumb-ass. Of course he can’t mention names! If he did, he’d more than likely be looking at a slander/libel suit! What an idiot! But then, like most of these Harpercons, would they be happy if they had no one or no country to be paranoid over? Even if they have to get inventive about it? Even if they slander some of their own?

Leftdog, you’d think he’d have a duty to divulge names, but we know he won’t. Because he is more than likely inventing this at the top of his head.  Yeah, yeah, Richard Fadden, the head of CSIS made some grumblings before about this, but I have a feeling his career is about to come to a screeching halt.

Then, take Jennifer Pollock, the Liberal candidate who had run, and obviously lost against Anders, who simply tweeted or retweeted  that some Calgary cops are racist. A statement that is more than likely true as racism amongst police forces everywhere is a problem.   It would be delusional and naive to believe that the police force in Calgary, one of the most, if not the most conservative minded urban centers in Canada, didn’t have a problem with racism on its’ force.  Yet, the Harpecon cheerleaders are just wetting themselves calling for an apology, calling for her to step down. I had someone tweet me during the night that Pollock should even be sued for slander and libel.

To date, Pollock is not stepping down. The Harpercons & their cheerleaders are using this in a feeble attempt to cover up for their own transgressions of late. Think about this for a moment, to go after the Liberal candidate in a Harpercon safe riding shows nothing more than deflect and distract. It shows they don’t have more to go after.   The Liberal party is still backing her candidacy in Calgary West. Even John Dooks, the police union boss, while offended by her remarks, isn’t ready to back calls for her resignation.  While Dooks will probably never admit this out loud, he too probably knows what she said is true.

What’s really fucked up about the whole thing is that the more incoherent and McCarthy-ish Rob Anders sounds, the more these Harpercon cheerleaders seem to love him. I bet Steve must be thinking “That’s ma Boy!”

Only in the land of shrieking Harpercons and their cheerleaders where they would praise one of their own for making rather excited utterances of one of the even wingnuttier MPs, heavy on inuendo,  lacking on evidence and condemnation  of an opposition candidate, who will more than likely never win that riding against this blithering idiot, who actually tweets a truth in passing while chatting on Twitter.

Go figure.

Rosie Barton interview: h/t Buckdog

3 comments to Rob Anders Makes All Kinds of Allegations Without Proof–Liberal Candidate Tweets a Truth, Yet, They Call For Her Head–We Juxtapose!

  • Whooee! I ain’t sure I get the part where the politicians is gettin’ tempted with the lure of karaoke. Is “karaoke” a code word fer sumpin other’n gettin’ up an’ singin’ offkey? They got a karaoke once a week down at the only bar in my little town. I ain’t never been there on karaoke night but this here Anders feller’s got my curiosity a a-tingle. I thought karaoke was a Japanese phenom but he’s got his shorts in a knot on accounta the Chinese. Can’t he tell one yellow menace from another?

    ck Reply:

    No he can’t! Like most bigoted conservative ignoramouses, they all look alike to each other to him! I bet he thinks those girls were geishas!

  • Dane

    Of course people will take things like what Anders said as a McCarthy-esque attack on fellow politicians. But you have to keep in mind that China is controlled by a dictatorship. Regimes like that invest HEAVILY in espionage and covert behaviours like what Anders talks about. That is a fact. If you don’t believe this is a fact, spend 15 min researching it. I think the substance of Anders’ statements are more a warning signal to watch out for Chinese espionage and not an attack on Canadians or an attack on Chinese people. If you don’t think the Chinese regime would carry out these activities