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Conservative solution to bad service: break the server’s finger

You Schmuck!


Times are tough for the 1% these days. What with Occupiers, the press, even the government hounding them, the rich are getting edgy.

The poor just don’t appreciate the sacrifices they have made. But what really pisses off the rich is that the fucking poor don’t even know how to serve a proper meal anymore. Grrrr….

[Server] Kucik stated that Mrs. Castle requested that Kucik bring her their dinner bill. Kucik stated that when he returned to the Castles’ dinner table, Mrs. Castle instructed him to give the bill to her husband, John Castle who was seated across the dinner table from her. 

Kucik stated that he attempted to hand Mr. Castle the bill and Mr. Castle became irate with him and yelled, “You schmuck, why did you bring the bill to the table?” Kucik stated that he replied, “because your lady asked for it.” Kucik stated while he stood on the left side of Mr. Castle, he (Kucik) attempted to hand Mr. Castle an ink pen. Mr. Castle began ranting and grabbed Kucik’s left hand and began squeezing and twisting his fingers. Kucik stated that Mr. Castle had a very tight grip of his left hand and Kucik had to pull his left hand out of Mr. Castle`s grasp.

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