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Dear SPVM…

I could continue from my last post into the seriousness and sheer ridiculousness of Premier Johnny-Boy’s Loi 78.   I will likely post much more about this. However, boys ‘n’ girls, on this Statutory holiday on a hot summer afternoon, I would like to share some good light hearted humour.  It appears that many have been clogging police phone lines and the like, giving their itineraries, following the literal sense of this bill as it’s written.   An example I saw was, Hi SPVM (or whatever greeting they used),  just letting you know we have a wedding this afternoon with a party of 300, here is how the party will go from the church to the reception. Stuff like that.  However, the funniest I’ve seen to date is on Jean-Francois Lisee’s blog on the l’Actualite site.  I just had to translate this for my non-French reading readers.

First, here’s the original in French:





















Now for the English translation.

Subject: sausage dog demonstration in the neighbourhood follow Bill 78

To Whom this may concern, Station 23, SPVM Hochelaga. Ms/Mr.

Date & Time: at least 8 hours in advance.

I just want to notify you that Pavlov, the dog indicated in the picture plans a group outing this Sunday.

Where? The dog park at the corner of Pie-IX and Notre-Dame East.
When? May 20, 2012
Time? Between 16:00  - 17:30

Statutory notice 

-Considering that Pavlov always wants to follow the law despite the fact that 49 other dogs could join him at any time.
-Considering that he is terrified of prison cells.
-Considering he doesn’t have enough money to pay exorbitant fines.
-Considering that it is impossible to remove his red square without him growling and defending himself vigorously. Pavlov’s movements, of course, will largely depend on how many balls, frisbees and other toys are tossed in his direction. It also depends whether or not he starts humping, as we acknowledge that he is rather sexually unbridled.


We agree as Pavlov has a tendency to move about in an anarchist fashion (please excuse this choice of words). Consequently, he plans to move  north-south, east-west, south-west and north-east, in a rather random fashion

Mask wearing:

Pavlov won’t be wearing a mask as he is scared of them. However, Dexter, the pit-bull who resides in the neighbourhood wears a rather impressive leather muzzle and harness to sometimes control his behaviour, which can sometimes get out of hand. Also, Gaspard, the little poodle could be wearing his protective cone around his head because the poor little guy fractured his hip last winter. Gaspard’s owner, however, do keep him close to them as they are afraid he may hurt himself seriously again.

We hope that this is all legal.

Sincerely your’s,

Woof! Ruff! Woooof!!!

You know boys ‘n’ girls, more often than not, humour is needed not only for the moral, but also to point out how ridiculous a piece of legislation like Bill 78 really is.

Happy Holiday Monday, all! Bonne Fete des Patriotes!

Merci a Jean-Francois Lisee d’avoir partage cette piece.

PS: oh, I almost forgot! I will be travelling by metro to work tomorrow as I usually do, however, more often than not, those metro cars are crammed with more than 49 people. Now, during rush hour, getting in and out of cars can be pandamonium.  I just thought you should know!


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