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Four More Years


…of a (neocon)liberal majority.

Those of you in the rest of Canada need to understand that the Liberal “brand” has become synonomous* with conservative values.

British Columbia has been the test case for disaster capitalism in Canada.  Gordon Campbell initiated the doctrine with BC Rail.  “Creating Crisis to Facilitate Change”.  Break . . . → Read More: Four More Years


Tweet The former Attorney General, Geoff Plant has a blog! He has some advice today For Mr. Von DingDong(en). Dear John, (I know, Lol, that’s been done before, but bear with me!) I understand that one of the issues which caused you to  leave the BC Liberal caucus and party is your continuing unhappiness . . . → Read More: (face)Plant

An Unprecedented Friday Afternoon Document Dump, cont…

Tweet A message from BC. Last Friday in BC, Christy Clark announced that there will be no fall election.  This amounts to a bloodless Coup of our fair province.  Clark has no mandate.  She is unelected.  She sailed into power by the grace and deep pockets of the same group of suspects that may . . . → Read More: An Unprecedented Friday Afternoon Document Dump, cont…