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Right’s war on women, er girls, reaches new lows with this lovely cartoon


The closer it gets to November, the more emboldened they come. But this poster from far-right blog Protein Wisdom is OK because a woman drew it and it’s satire. Yeah right.

Remember when the right was so upset over Playboy’s admittedly sexist accounting of the top conservative women? Not so much when . . . → Read More: Right’s war on women, er girls, reaches new lows with this lovely cartoon

Hillary and Steve: Hmmm! Nah, How’s About George and Steve?


Oh, I bet about now Steve is missing his old buddy and puppeteer Georgie Bush just about now, while the  Horrible Hillary just continues to give Stevie these very public spankings.  Way to go Hill! If  only she really deserved that kind of praise.

Other than criticizing him for leaving out three Members . . . → Read More: Hillary and Steve: Hmmm! Nah, How’s About George and Steve?