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“Christian” Family Values?

Texas judge William Adams beats his daughter with a belt. Warning: this video will trigger victims of abuse. I could only watch about thirty seconds at a time.

The video has gone viral, with well over five million hits as of this writing. A few points for context: the daughter’s “crime” was to download pirated software and the daughter suffers from ataxic cerebral palsy. Mommy enables the insanity and tells her daughter to just “Take it like a woman.” In addition, there is Daddy’s language about “obedience” and “submission” — which has been pointed out — is fundamentalist Christian code and permission to beat the shit out of your children.

Like any good abuser, Judge Williams says he is really the victim. “Her mother was there, she wasn’t hurt … it was a long time ago … I really don’t want to get into this right now because as you can see my life’s been made very difficult over this child.”

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