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Aaron Rand, You Still Think You’re Comfortable With Warrantless Online Spying? That Your Final Answer?

I remember when that hideous dumb on crime omnibus bill was first tabled and the noon hour “Free For All” show, starring Ric Petersen, Aaron Rand and of course, Tea-baggin’ Tommy Schnurmacher,  on CJAD was discussing that very lunacy. One frightening thing that came out of Aaron Rand’s mouth stuck with me to this day, regarding Stevie Spiteful and the Harpercons’ proposed dumb on crime measure of warrantless online spying. He basically said that he was ok with online spying, as it was basically going to be instrumental in catching the bad guys, namely, pedophiles. He also basically suggested that anyone who has nothing to hide should be more than ok with the Harpercons spying on our online activities. It frightened me when he said that because it was naive, to say the least. I knew that warrantless online spying in the name of catching pedophiles was nothing more than spin. Why? Because, I knew with all things Harpercon, it never stops where they spin where it would–they’re worse than kids in a candy store. They can never just settle. Given them an inch and they’ll take ten thousand kilometres, that’s why. Where does it stop? Where do we draw the line?

Also, I have another concern, that everyone else should have as well. After the mass arrests from the G20, it became crystal clear to me that one of Stevie Spiteful’s goals was to make dissent illegal.  Hence, it would seem to me that warrantless online spying would be that next big step toward this goal.  This evening, after reading Dr. Dawg’s latest post about social worker and Aboriginal children’s activist, Cindy Blackstock, I would be proven right. I highly suggest you click the link and read the disturbing details over at Dr Dawg’s, as he has some snippits from related posts he’s written from the past.

More here:

The federal Aboriginal Affairs department has been spying on a high-profile campaigner for First Nations children, documents show.

The department has amassed a large file on Cindy Blackstock, who heads the First Nations Child and Family Caring society.

The file contains emails and notes about Blackstock’s personal information and critical briefings on her activities.

More about the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society here.

It seems that the feds even like to snoop through Ms Blackstock’s facebook page:

“They have found it necessary to not only put one employee onto tailing, but if you look at the records there are numerous employees on the government payroll who are being asked to comment on what I am doing or to violate my privacy by going on my personal Facebook pages,” said Blackstock.

They had been tracking down all her activities, every meeting, every presentation.

Ms Blackstock’s sin? She had the nerve to seek equity for and had the gall to actually file a human rights  complaint against the feds for discrimination against  First Nation children in 2007.  This, of course, is not her only sin to merit being spied on.  Like I said, Dr Dawg has more details.

So much for Stevie Spiteful’s apology to the survivors of that wretched residential school system. But then, did anyone besides his blind, kool-aid swallowing cheerleaders actually believe he was sincere?

So, Mr. Aaron Rand, you still ok with warrantless online spying? I mean, I get that you care about children. So does Cindy Blackstock. Or, are Aboriginal children not created equal to others in your world?



6 comments to Aaron Rand, You Still Think You’re Comfortable With Warrantless Online Spying? That Your Final Answer?

  • The same kind of “spying” has happened with veterans who have gone public about their disputes with Veterans Affairs. The pattern is pretty clear.

  • Anne Peterson

    I would suggest you read the article about Ms. Blackstock in the Toronto Star. Scary stuff.

    ck Reply:

    you have a link?

  • Linda

    Read about Hitlers personality and Harper’s personality. They are very much the same. The arrogance, stubborn, using dirty tactics. The criminal element working for him. Campbell and the American felon. Other country’s saying, how badly Harper is destroying Democracy in Canada.

    If you read about Harper’s shady political past, what he is doing all fits. Harper founded the Northern Foundation Party. Utter fascism and dictatorship, will keep going on, as long as Harper in in the picture.

  • Aaron Rand

    I’m not suggesting, and never have, that what you refer to as “warrantless” spying is acceptable.
    In fact, I’m suggesting exactly the opposite. If police have a reason, and/or some proof to suspect that someone on Canadian soil is luring children or attempting to lure children into having sex, or threatening them in any way, shape or form, then I have no problem whatsoever with allowing a federal agency to investigate their actions in any manner they deem necessary.

    ck Reply:

    That’s not quite how I remember it, sir. I seem to remember you basically suggesting that you had nothing to hide and that you, yourself, were ok with them spying on your activity and so should anyone else if they had nothing to hide, basically.

    And it is coming (research Bill C-53, one of the bills that died on the table due to either one of the prorogations or the last election, I believe). All in the name of their hideous dumb on crime measures.