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Ok, Stevie, When the Clinically Insane Pammy Geller Sings Your Praises…

It’s officially, Canada has become more of an embarrassment than even tea-baggin’ US of A.

Read and weep, boys ‘n’ girls. Watch her gush and crush over Stevie Spiteful, if you have a strong stomach.

How low have we sunk?

2 comments to Ok, Stevie, When the Clinically Insane Pammy Geller Sings Your Praises…

  • Aside from the ridiculous stuff in the blog… the comments are astounding. How did we come to have so many unthinking people in this country?

    This is Canada – that is Harperland – glad I’m not living in Harperland.

  • Ugh, I’m not clicking that link. That woman is HORRID. How anyone can crush one someone like Harpo is beyond me, too…the man has all the sex appeal of a hollow log. No, wait, that’s a terrible thing to say about hollow logs!