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Ok, Stevie, When the Clinically Insane Pammy Geller Sings Your Praises…


It’s officially, Canada has become more of an embarrassment than even tea-baggin’ US of A.

Read and weep, boys ‘n’ girls. Watch her gush and crush over Stevie Spiteful, if you have a strong stomach.

How low have we sunk?

Perfect combo: Pamela Geller and Ezra Levant on Zombie Muhammad. Sharia!


I was scouring Memorandum last night and I see Atlas Shrugs blogger Pamela Geller is posting about her convo with Ezra Levant on Sun News (she calls it ‘Sun TV’). The subject is a topic I blogged about earlier: a Pennsylvania judge dismissed charges against a man for assaulting another because the victim, an atheist, . . . → Read More: Perfect combo: Pamela Geller and Ezra Levant on Zombie Muhammad. Sharia!

Pam Geller Pushes Her Hate-fest Agenda–Even if it Means Perpetrating a Lie


How low can Pamela Geller sink?

The classification of “honour” killing has just become too much of a dog whistle for the bigotted extremes, these days. Pam Geller is running with it to promote her Islamophobic agenda.

Anti-Muslim hate group leader Pamela Geller has seized on the murder of a 20-year old . . . → Read More: Pam Geller Pushes Her Hate-fest Agenda–Even if it Means Perpetrating a Lie

PayPal Showing to Have Guts!


Yes! It is moments like these that restore my faith, albeit temporarily in American society.  It seems that PayPal has cut off Pamela Geller’s Atlas Shrugs! They don’t even want any traces of their logo on her site, even. Read ‘em and weep, boys n girls!

Dear Pamela Geller,

We appreciate the fact . . . → Read More: PayPal Showing to Have Guts!