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Tommy S & Trude teh Prude! STFU! “Blobs” Don’t Have More Rights Than Women!

Anne Lagace Dowson has been filling in for Kimmmeeee Fraser this week and has been masterful, especially with the Gang of 4 this week.  She told them to basically shut up and let Egbert talk for once…instead of them ganging up on them as they usually do.

Since Tommy’s researcher who researches these topics (supposedly), Lo-wa the low hanging fruit should really spend more time doing her actual job of research and less time doing the Friday afternoon horror of “Single Ladies” with the valley girl relic and glorified data entry clerk at the Gazette or giving Tommy dancing lessons for Youtube, perhaps they would have had correct information.  Yeah, Lo-wa, word of advice, little girl? Don’t research topics that are too grown up.

Yes, in light of Cardinal Ouellette’s new career as a would-be lobbyist, CJAD, or Tommy Schnurmacher or his producer, Lo-wa, the junior right wingnut in a training bra or whoever’s idea it was for these topics decided today was abortion debate day. Remember that Tommy and Trude the Prude Mason (newscaster who can’t even deliver the news without a slant to the right)  are fetus fetishists extraordinaire who have proven today that they not only go beyond stupidity, but actually to be dishonest.

Before Trude goes into shrieking mode though, she does point out that an ultrasound at early stages only show a blob before she and Tommy start vehemently defending the rights of blobs.

The precise topic was: Should doctors be required to provide an ultrasound and inform her on the development of the fetus before getting an abortion?

Tommy shows his true fetus fetish colours by interjecting at some point saying that it’s not just the woman’s rights, it’s the fetus’s rights.

He and Trude basically go off making it look like doctors perform late term abortions here in Canada all the time .

When Anne calmly and reasonably as possible with this shrieking bunch of wingnuts tries to explain things like teen pregnancy being  down here in Canada and that teen-age girls are getting better informed about the consequences of unprotected sex and such;  that more funding for Planned Parenthood is needed; Better sex-ed programs in schools and encouraging parents to be more open about discussing the consequences of sex to their children. There, something logical. Perhaps even something that would be crazy enough to reduce abortion rates, but no, the fetus fetish element continued their shrieking bull-shit.

Then he goes on to talk about the “socialist” countries of Europe not allowing late term abortions and such. When Anne Lagace-Dowson attempts to explain that in France, they have better programs for unwanted children and superior planned parenthood programs than here. Tommy interjects in his usual arrogant ass-hole, I’m Gawd of the Zionists’ way, saying that they were not talking social assistance. Well, if you don’t want abortion, a solution must be found. Europeans do social programs for children far better than we do.

Then I remembered Fern Hill’s (Dammit Janet) post awhile back on the Netherlands and a debate one of the coalition member parties wanted to stir up, regarding the subject of ultra-sounds at 20 weeks. Currently, as the law stands, a woman can have an abortion up to 24 weeks. Allowing them to have an ultra-sound at 20 weeks when it will show adequately if the fetus will develop a disability, giving the woman 4 weeks to decide whether or not she can go through with balance of the pregnancy.

it is also worth mentioning that in the Netherlands, doctors  who euthanize  babies born with something deemed “incompattible with life”  must, of course report this. Since implementing that 20 week ultra sound, there have been, of course, fewer severely disabled babies born, but guess what? Not a single euthanasia performed since 2008. Not a one!  All because these disabilities and defects can be determined at 20 weeks through an ultra sound. Although, I think I’m starting to hear Tommy and Trude the Prude shrieking at this as they read it.

Just to say that not all European countries disallow all late term abortions under any circumstance.

And then, information. When Anne and Egbert try to explain how abortion clinics, doctors and genetic councilors (in the case of  a fetus with disability/defect) do give information, Tommy insists that it’s not enough. In fact, info from health care professionals given in a calm and rational way just simply won’t do. He kept harping on pamphlets; we all know what that implies, don’t we?  Tommy  would like us all to know that the best info would be those photoshopped doctored images of exploding bloody fetuses handed out by bible thumpers on steroids. He then really asks the galactically stupid question of what’s so harmful about brochures? Egbert and Anne say it’s all in the delivery of said info. And they’re available to answer any questions before the procedure.

Anne, I, as well as my fellow feminist bloggers  across Canada, I’m sure, would have liked it if you asked the fetus fetish element how they would feel about us going back to the days of back alley flop house abortions done by fly by night non health care professionals or desperate women playing around with wire hangers and knitting needles. But good job over all, and I hope you get the opportunity to ask them that next time…I would love to hear Tommy fumble and screw up on the air.

Tommy, speaking of ‘designer babies’ (in reference to abortions due to not liking the sex of  fetus, disabilities, etc: he thinks they actually happen everyday!), you’ve really outdone your own stupidity!!  Designer babies, as you so dumb fuckingly put it are made in a petri dish. The 1988 Ivan Reitman sleeper, “Twins” Arnold Schwarzenegger would be the best example of a ‘designer’ baby… Trailer below.

And Tommy, like Ouellette, you don’t have kids, nor can you get prenant, so you have the right to shut the fuck up, you idiot!! And Trude the Prude, be thankful you have two healthy kids; don’t presume to judge anyone who can’t find it possible to care for a disabled child with our increasingly abysmal programs (budget slashy-hacky, naturally) to help these parents.

And Tommy, you hate government intruding on our lives; Anne called you on it yesterday,  but you want them to restrict abortion, explain that double standard, will ya!!

And juxtapose!  Tommy would like to scrap the long gun registry due to the start up cost but has no problem with spending billions on abortion police or enforcement preventing late term abortions, something that  practically never happens here in the first place. Pro-life for a blob but obviously no problems not registering deadly weapons. Guaranteed more have hidden firearms they wish to keep hidden than doctors who actually perform late term abortions.

Stay classy Trude the Prude and Tommy!

Way to go Anne!! And thanks for trying to bring some balance to CJAD in Kimmmeeee’s absence this week.  You gave it a valliant effort, but no one and I mean no one can make Tommy or Trudy smart and logical and as for Lo-wa, I must apologize for earlier insulting low-hanging fruit.

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