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Could The CRTC Be The Next On Stevie Spiteful’s Hitlist?

I just caught this from Impolitical’s Tweets. Lawrence Martin just wrote and reviewed how Kory Teneycke’s new position at Pierre Karl Peladeau’s outfit was quite the coup for King Steve.  As we all know, it hit a snag with the CRTC in trying to get that coveted category 1 licence not long ago. I posted about this small victory, but I also expressed concerns about how this would not bode well for the CRTC neither, given Stevie’s propensity for having his way, come hell or high water. After all, we have seen this lately with Veteran’s Affairs Canada and with Stats Can.  And take a look how he handles dissent.   Now, according to Lawrence Martin, the CRTC could take a hit, and we shouldn’t be surprise, given the latest malicious acts from ol’ King Stevie Spiteful.

The CRTC chair is Konrad von Finckenstein, and his term doesn’t end until 2012. But insiders report that Mr. Harper now wants him out well before that date and replaced by a rubber stamper. The independently minded Mr. von Finckenstein, who did not respond to queries on the matter, is reportedly being offered judgeships and ambassadorships, one post being Chile. So far, he’s not biting. But the bait might get bigger.

In addition, CRTC vice-chair Michel Arpin is being ushered out the door. His term expires at the end of the month; he’d like to stay on, but his request is not being granted.

Names being floated as a replacement for either the chair or vice-chair include none other than Mr. Péladeau’s long-time right-hand man, Luc Lavoie. Mr. Lavoie is a competent fellow but, given his Péladeau ties, the idea sounds far-fetched, positively galling. But, then again, when has galling ever stopped Stephen Harper?

Yes, boys n’ girls, watch for these names to hit the airways or print media. If you hear of them either leaving, being moved to parts unknown or early retirements, you’ll know why.  Really, CRTC, did you honestly think you could get away with thinking independently here? Did you think you could go against Master Steve and not ensure that every cable or satellite subscriber isn’t saddled with a channel that is dedicated to the praise of King Stevie? Really now.

Remember, the Kory Klan, or Fox News North Print has already pulled the Steve purge and gotten rid of columnists deemed not Harpercon friendly enough; the likes of Greg Weston, Christina Spencer, Liz Thomson and the latest casualty, 27 year veteran, Eric Margolis.  I’m surprised they took David Akin.

I imagine there will be a fight to save the integrity of the CRTC. I should hope so.

Among those hearing about the pending CRTC shakeup is Ian Morrison of the advocacy group Friends of Canadian Broadcasting. As he correctly points out, the integrity of the CRTC has to be defended. “You can’t have the Prime Minister handing out radio and TV licences.”

As Martin correctly points out, agencies like the CRTC are supposed to keep the prime minister at arm’s length, but in the case of Steve, they’re only at knuckle’s length.  Good point, it gives the image of Stevie spiteful having his fists clenched of do it my way, or else!

Further evidence that Stevie spiteful is really losing it.  He really needs to be medicated.

I remember folks awhile back telling me they thought I was exaggerating when I blogged about Steve being a totalitarian. In spite of providing the definition with links, I was criticized. I will do it again.

Totalitarianism is a political system where the state, usually under the control of a single political organization, faction, or class domination, recognizes no limits to its authority and strives to regulate every aspect of public and private life wherever feasible.[2] Totalitarianism is generally characterised by the coincidence of authoritarianism (i.e., where ordinary citizens have no significant share in state decision-making) andideology (i.e., a pervasive scheme of values promulgated by institutional means to direct the most significant aspects of public and private life)[3]. Totalitarian regimes or movements maintain themselves in political power by means of an official all-embracing ideology and propagandadisseminated through the state-controlled mass mediaa single partythat controls the state, personality cultscontrol over the economy, regulation and restriction of free discussion and criticism, the use ofmass surveillance, and widespread use of state terrorism.

Besides the blogging SupposiTories who will forever be Stevie’s faithful lap dogs, and quite frankly, many of them are advocating this totalitarianism from their man Steve; does anybody else still think I’m off the mark?

3 comments to Could The CRTC Be The Next On Stevie Spiteful’s Hitlist?

  • I think you are right on. This replacement of agency heads isn’t a series of reactions to specific issues although the timing is certainly linked to that in many cases, but a systematic undermining of the independence of these agencies. If you look at all of them together, it is obvious steve is trying to take control of the public service, use it for his own purposes, close off access to information. He then has this huge network funded by the public, largely trusted by the public to be truthful at least, through which he can send whatever messages he wants while shaping policy below the radar.

    With CRTC neutered and under his thumb, he controls a big part of the media. The circus we are seeing surrounding the Tamil refugees is but a glimpse of what to expect from Kory’s Korner: stirring up division, hatred, and fear. All good ways of controlling the public. And it’ll be all stevie the wonderful all of the time with occasional inserts about those scary socialists who hate the troops, love criminals, terrorists, and welfare.

    In general, I believe media should remain impartial, but I think it’s time they take a stand for democracy. This isn’t politics were seeing, it’s an attack on our democratic system.

  • Kim

    I agree with you too Sister, and I just sent an email to my Liberal MP, Keith Martin. I can post it if you like…

    ck Reply:

    Yes, Kim, if you like, by all means, do so! Or better still, email it to me, there are links at the bottom of the page or in the about CK or About Sister sage’s musings page and I will post it as a blog entry if you like.