Walking past a newsstand just now I was shocked to read the headline splashed in huge type on the front page of the National Post, ‘Omar Khadr to admit to murder’. I rushed home to peruse the other major newspapers’ online versions to follow up on this stunning bit of news. Funny, nothing. I checked Progressive Bloggers. Nothing. So, I held my nose and opened the NP site. Nada. What?
I’m not going to dignify the yellow* (appropriately literally) rag by following up inside. You can if you like but no linky.
If anyone has a more information on this major story, please post or let me know. Best I can find is Dr. Dawg’s post about a plea deal. No mention is made of a firm admission to murder.
UPDATE: I did find the article in question by a Steven Edwards. Despite the misleading title, no plea has been struck, as indicated in the article.
* Remember this one?
Cross posted at Let Freedom Rain
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