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For Rand Paul, Who Cares About Women’s Reproductive Choices? Goddamn It, His Toilets Don’t Flush!!

Boys ‘n’ girls, when it comes to something this outrageous, even for a tea-bagger such as the esteemed Rethuglican senator from Kentucky, seeing and hearing is believing.

Here’s what the blogger over at Jezebel had to say to Poor Rand:

No one is trying to put anyone in jail for not using energy-efficient lightbulbs. But more than a handful of his Republican colleagues are trying to find ways to jail women for having abortions or even miscarriages.

Yes, apparently, in the world according to Rand Paul, consumer freedom should  and must have limits:

I believe life begins at conception and it is the duty of our government to protect this life.

I will always vote for any and all legislation that would end abortion or lead us in the direction of ending abortion.
I believe in a Human Life Amendment and a Life at Conception Act as federal solutions to the abortion issue. I also believe that while we are working toward this goal, there are many other things we can accomplish in the near term.

It is unconscionable that government would facilitate the taking of innocent life. I strongly oppose any federal funding for abortion and will stop the flow of tax dollars to groups like Planned Parenthood, who perform or advocate abortions.

In addition, I believe we may be able to save millions of lives in the near future by allowing states to pass their own anti-abortion laws. If states were able to do so, I sincerely believe many — including Kentucky — would do so tomorrow, saving hundreds of thousands of lives.
Before 1973, abortion was illegal in most states. Since Roe v. Wade, over 50 million children have died in abortion procedures.

Now that doesn’t sound very Libertarian, now does it?

No wonder he needs to flush his toilets at least twice.   To whom this may concern; please give the man the biggest toilets imaginable–no one should be left with the lingering stench of his hypocritical bull-shit because of toilets that can’t flush ‘em.


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