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Rob Ford’s 911 problem

Classy! (Photo from Dammit Janet.)

There’s something wrong with Rob Ford. We all know he’s trash. But there’s an undercurrent of rage surrounding the man that’s almost Alec Baldwinish. Marg Delahunty is one thing; drunken threats another.

On Christmas, Ford’s mother-in-law called police between 4 and 5 a.m. to report that the mayor had been drinking and was taking his children to Florida against the wishes of his wife, Renata.

The Toronto police Youth and Family Violence Unit, which handles all domestic disputes, including incidents that are strictly verbal, is still investigating both events. No charges have been laid.

This man should not be mayor, let alone husband or parent. Then again, Rob Ford is king of Toronto; he gets to do what he wants.

Exactly how many calls have been made is unknown.

The calls leave police in an uncomfortable quandary. Ford is the city’s chief magistrate. The mayor — or a designate acting on his behalf — has a seat on the police board. In fact, four of the seven board members are appointed by city council. Police Chief Bill Blair reports to this civilian oversight board.

X-posted at Let Freedom Rain.

3 comments to Rob Ford’s 911 problem

  • Linda

    Canada is a cesspool of corruption. Everyday the corruption worsens.

    I have yet to see, any level of government in Canada pay for their crimes. Ontario allowed an admitted BC lawyer fraudster, to practice in the Ontario bar. Harper even rewards criminal politicians, such as Gordon Campbell. All politicians and the elite need in BC, is a special prosecutor to get away with their crimes.

    The mayors wife should get herself and her children, out of that house for their safety. If the judicial system in Ontario, is as corrupt as the judicial system in BC. I wouldn’t depend on the police to protect her and her children. Even the crimes of the police, are swept under the carpet in BC.

    As for the Toronto police being in a tough spot, the mayors wife and children are in a worse spot.

    james Reply:

    The Cops don’t want to lose that paid duty gravy train not to mention Rob sits on the police board.
    I guess Rob goes through a box of beer then slaps the wife around, probably something that his been going on for many years.

    Most recent information has Rob denying any 911 call was made from his residence on Christmas day.
    And the comedy continues……….

  • The One

    If Rob Ford gets divorced, maybe journalists can post pages from his divorce pleadings as well.