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Patrick ‘Patsy’ Ross penalized $75,000 for ‘malicious’ defamation


The Nexus of Assholery himself and scourge of Progressive Bloggers, Patrick Ross, has been docked $75,000 cool ones for plying his trade of hackery and harrassment.

And oh yeah, add another ten grand for costs. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.

Congratulations to Canadian Cynic. Spend your newly-earned money wisely. It will probably . . . → Read More: Patrick ‘Patsy’ Ross penalized $75,000 for ‘malicious’ defamation

On Mr. Kathy Shaidle, Small Dead Animals and welfare queens


No small amount of amusement is being enjoyed by many on the left over the juxtapalooza going on over in the far reaches of the Canadian (and American) wingnutosphere. One of the welfare-hating superstar clan of the axis of BlazingCatShaidle-Mark Steyn-Small Dead Animals evil has been hit with a lawsuit, it would appear . . . → Read More: On Mr. Kathy Shaidle, Small Dead Animals and welfare queens