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The state of Canadian journalism. Coyne, Stead, Wente edition.


Margaret Wente has been caught allegedly plagiarizing.

Her public editor, Sylvia Stead, quickly absolves her of any indiscretion.

I react with a typically hyperbolic blog post.

For a lark I ask Andrew Coyne on Twitter for his opinion on the issue.

In response, Mr. Coyne evades my inquiry, instead moving the cursor to . . . → Read More: The state of Canadian journalism. Coyne, Stead, Wente edition.

The myth of the ‘liberal media’ in Canada has finally been put to rest

Tweet God rest the myth of the ‘liberal media’

By giving Margaret Wente a pass, the Globe & Mail has at last put to rest the myth of ‘liberal bias’ in Canada’s media. A new era, in hyperbolic terms, has begun. So I say, thank you Sylvia Stead. And thank you, Margaret Wente. I don’t think either . . . → Read More: The myth of the ‘liberal media’ in Canada has finally been put to rest