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on B.C. (being China)

It has been a busy week here in BC.  I have been using all of my energy keeping up with the vast flow of information coming from Citizen Journalists who had attended the BC Rail Corruption Trial since the beginning.  Since the intitial RCMP raids on the Legislature, in fact.  These good people no longer suffer the Publication Ban and have been diligently pumping out information they could not previously share.  For the most part, the mainstream Media have failed epicly on this file.  Our Judicial System is complicit, as are the RCMP currently policing the province.
I am sad to tell you that Gordon Muir Campbell has successfully crushed democracy in British Columbia.  I wish I were kidding, but I’ve never been more serious.  We have no recourse to the law anymore.  The police have participated in acts of subverting elections with smear campaigns, it doesn’t matter if the charges stick, the damage gets done.  Last night on the CBC news, Tony Parsons showed it again.  The set-up and prearranged media circus that was the RCMP raid on Glen Clarks house.  Even though he was completely exonerated, the footage was trotted out on so regular a basis, along with the neo-con talking points, none of them truth, but used to hypnotise the working class.  For nine long years.  Trotting out their pundits to read propaganda written directly by the 227 full time Public Affairs Bureau staffers.  Even the Premier’s evil brother was trotted out by CanwestGlobal on a weekly basis.  Radio was taken over by Corus to assualt the airwaves and staffed with compliant Party footsoldiers.
The agenda has been clear since the beginning of his first term in office.  Well, clear to those who pay attention to such things.  Alot of people paid no attention, mostly because they did not realise that the morning paper and the evening news had been taken over by the very same people who installed Gordon Campbell.   They were very clever, changing the public service quietly but brutally, stacking or starving every arms length, non-political agency, every regulatory body, every crown jewel.  Wording was changed, quietly, here and there, until the social fabric had been completely torn beneath us.  All we got from the media was red mittens, disjointed reporting and mass advertising.  Oh, and Fraser Institute studies.
So, with the unions effectively destroyed and the opposition reduced to two heroic women, Joy MacPhail and Jenny Kwan, the minions of big business under Gordon Muir Campbell, set about their work.  First, they brought in the lawyers.  Campbell surrounded himself with lawyers, Geoff Plant, Wally Oppal,  Alan Seckel, John Les and more.  He surrounded himself with ex cops in Rich Coleman and Kash Heed and then he set his finance minister, Gary Collins on cooking the books.  He released misinformation and lies about the state of the provinces finances after the NDP, about the financial records of crown corporations.  He slashed social spending on every front.  Welfare recipients were hunted down and chopped, even being chased for payments they had already received.  Housing and services for the mentally and physically disabled were slashed.  Funding for education was frozen and slashed.  Children’s Services.  Seniors services.  Contracts with public health professionals were torn up and they are still being slashed.They had the media attack the unions at every turn and attack the opposition, or worse, totally ignore them.
Taxes to Corporations were cut, drastically.  Environmental regulation, the Forest Service.  Our vascular system, the precious publicly owned, profitable and stable BC Rail.  The rivers and BC Hydro.  Our highways and Ferries.  Gordon Campbell’s agenda is to destroy the government to make it more profitable for Corporations to extract anything of any monetary value without any value filtered down by way of financial consideration or social contract to the people these assets belong to.  We have the lowest minimum wage in Canada, the highest rate of child poverty, the highest crime rate, the lowest Corporate Tax rate.  And that was during the boom times, the bubble, if you will.
Gordon Campbell specifically asks for prospective staffers who can create crisis to effect change.  These people are ready to use any crisis, manufactured or otherwise, to further close down our civil rights.  This past week has shown me that the evil deed is done.  They no longer even have to pretend that they follow the law.  They do not have to disclose anything to anyone or sit in the People’s House to decide the business of the people.  Richard Fadden was telling the truth.  As did the RCMP after the raid when they said that Organised Crime has infiltrated the highest office of the Province.  
Please, all Canadians, be aware of this, because we were the test case.  They are coming for your province too, even as we speak.  Watch the people of France, Greece, Argentina, Spain.  Everywhere else, people are taking the dissent to the streets.  They are face to face organising rallies and strikes.  Taking over factories.  Taking back ownership of their jobs and futures and environment.  We are a diverse culture, we come from fearless people.  We need to unite in the goal of saving our country against these oligarchs.  Don’t blame the unions or the muslims or the natives.  We need to join hands against the tsunami of repression.  Paul Martin was involved with this takeover in BC, so is Steven Harper.  They are coming for you next, Ontario, the rest will fall like dominoes.  Pay attention.

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