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Sun News Network and the emasculation of the North American right wing


I haven’t had that much exposure to Fox News North but from what I’ve seen there’s obviously something fishy happening at that network which is symptomatic of a bigger issue with the North American right-wing male of the species. Listening to Brian Lilley’s chipmunk voice or recoiling from Mark Bonokoski’s lispy spittle or . . . → Read More: Sun News Network and the emasculation of the North American right wing

SDA’s Kate Finding it Lonely at The Bottom, Apparently


Wazza matter, KKKatie? Can’t stand it when most of the world is more literate than you are? Yes, boys ‘n’ girls,  the road kill kween over at Small Dead Brain Cells  would like to see universities close. Oh, Katie! For anyone to be at your level of intellect, highschools would have to be closed . . . → Read More: SDA’s Kate Finding it Lonely at The Bottom, Apparently