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Scott Stinson’s alternate universe. “Stephen Harper said voters didn’t care about partisan tactics. He was right”.

Stinson neglects to mention all those negative ads from the Cons broadcast for months personally attacking Michael Ignatieff and his family, part of a message machine which almost single-handedly conned the Canadian public into voting a Harper majority.

Does he mention 90 percent of our media went after ‘Iggy’ on behalf of the Conservatives and then endorsed Harper, a staggering percentage even for a totalitarian country let alone Canada? Of course not! Were you even paying attention last year, Stinson?

Partisan? My god, does Stinson even know the definition of the word? Look, I understand Stinson and the National Post staff exist to promote conservatism but this bit of disconnect from reality is truly stunning. The fact he uses the brief article mostly as a particularly jaundiced attack against Ignatieff is mind-numbingly partisan in itself.

Our liberal media. Still not even close. No wonder the National Post is losing money. It’s garbage.

X-posted at Let Freedom Rain

1 comment to Scott Stinson’s alternate universe. “Stephen Harper said voters didn’t care about partisan tactics. He was right”.

  • G.J.W.

    Harper has the personality of a turnip. He is also a Reformer, frantic and rabid to win the election. Even begging for a majority. Harper is no different than all the dictators of the world, past and present. That Harper was low enough to make insulting remarks about Ignatieff’s party, is a big part of being a dictator. Look back at Hitler, he used the same type of dirty tactics. Goebbles controlled the press, the truth about Hitler was forbidden to be printed or aired. No different than Harper.

    Harper accusing Ignatieff, of not being a true Canadian, is the joke of the century. Harper is certainly not a true Canadian. He is a Reformer and a dictator, we all know what that means. Harper had a many times convicted American criminal working for him. The robocalls to lie to Canadians, changing their voting locations, came out of North Dakota. Hmmm Presscore, an American site said Harper win was rigged. I believe that. Well over half of Canadians, did not want Harper as P.M.

    Ignatieff’s family is superior to Harper. Ignatieff’s family were good decent people. Ignatieff’s problem was, he wouldn’t stoop to Harper’s level. I respected Ignatieff for that. Harper the idiot, doesn’t seem to realize, it was the immigrant family’s who built this country. We are all immigrants, even the ignorant and crude Harpo.

    The true Canadians are the First Nations People. They have a lot more sense than Harper does. They saw long ago, this planet was in a lot of trouble, by politicians fouling our eco systems, out of pure greed. Harper thought nothing of, giving Europe false statements about the toxicity, of the dirty tar oil. Harper is the worst, most shameful P.M. in Canadian history.