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Planned Parenthood gains back the $ it lost to ideology-driven Susan G. Komen turnabout

From Dammit Janet!

While the the big news, and the ultimately sad news, is that the Susan G. Komen foundation has allowed far-right evangelical ideology to interfere with its formerly well-respected humanitarian work, the news that Planned Parenthood has replaced the $650K it lost from Komen so quickly is good news, indeed.

You can bet the coffers will become even fuller in the future; Planned Parenthood’s gains will be Komen’s loss. As the publicity from ‘Komen’s Cave’ reduces that foundation’s reputation from one of altruism to anti-choice cruelty against poorer American women, Planned Parenthood will continue to thrive. But Komen’s loss of credibility has a larger, more sobering effect.

Komen’s pink ribbon icon and ‘Run for a Cure’ program have taken a severe credibility hit. From now on any display of the famous pink ribbon or RFAC logo will be greeted with protests, feelings of corporate malfeasance and a loss of collective sympathy for women suffering from breast cancer or simply looking to test for the cancer. The loss is far more than the $650K withdrawn from Planned Parenthood. The entire breast cancer awareness program has taken a hit.

The real killer for Komen is its own arrogance. Instead of stepping back and taking stock of their situation and the extraordinary reaction to its decision, it has decided to fight back against Planned Parenthood (without having the courage to name the organization) and those who are outraged by Komen’s Cave. Witness this bit of childishness from the the organization’s improbably-named ‘Ambassador’:

Talk about not getting it. (Man, she gives me the creeps.)

Note to Brinker: you “won’t bow down”, eh? Nancy, you already did. Plus, you’re a bad businesswoman. You let ego, ideology and a false sense of indignity ruin the credibility of your organization.

UPDATE: Word is that this decision to sever ties with Planned Parenthood actually comes from newly-minted Komen VP and ‘lifelong Conservative Republican’ Karen Handel, who so far has refused to comment other than to retweet this gem:

Cry me a freaking river, indeed.

X-posted at Let Freedom Rain.

1 comment to Planned Parenthood gains back the $ it lost to ideology-driven Susan G. Komen turnabout

  • Helen Bayly

    Thanks Sister Sage for your articles so relevant to women’s health, because Planned Parenthood has never ailed women (nor men) in all kinds of medical examinations. Now Sister Sage is helping us wise up to the idiocies and venom of the Komen Foundation. We shall continue to support Planned Parenthood in all it does. We shall advise everyone about the outrageous policies and behavior of the S G Komen Foundation…..Thanks Sister Sage for keeping us well-informed.