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Fallout from the Komen disaster. New-found power for pro-choice voices.


Sitting back after the dust has settled on Susan G. Komen’s awkward about-face (which is actually no about-face at all but a bit of temporary cover), one thing has become clear. Komen has given a renewed voice back to the pro-choice movement, too long drowned out by the money and loud talking . . . → Read More: Fallout from the Komen disaster. New-found power for pro-choice voices.

Susan G. Walther-Komen soft on guns. Hard on women.


It's OK. It's pink!

I felt a little bad feeling so much animosity towards a person, but Nancy Brinker’s reaction to her disengagement from Planned Parenthood has quickly become the stuff of history. Not the good kind mind you, but the wrong-side kind. Now I find her organization is soft on guns, . . . → Read More: Susan G. Walther-Komen soft on guns. Hard on women.

Planned Parenthood gains back the $ it lost to ideology-driven Susan G. Komen turnabout


From Dammit Janet!

While the the big news, and the ultimately sad news, is that the Susan G. Komen foundation has allowed far-right evangelical ideology to interfere with its formerly well-respected humanitarian work, the news that Planned Parenthood has replaced the $650K it lost from Komen so quickly is good news, indeed.

. . . → Read More: Planned Parenthood gains back the $ it lost to ideology-driven Susan G. Komen turnabout