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Bye Bye Saulie!

Saulie Zajdel, former Harpercon candidate who ran against Irwin Cotler in Mount-Royal and up until today,  James Moore’s “employee” has left under the same cloak of secrecy he was hired under.  Yep, ol’ Saulie resigned his post as Irwin Cotler’s shadow.

“I’m no longer working for the federal government,” Zajdel said in a 30-second discussion before hanging up.

“I’m a private citizen now.”

Of course, no details as to why he left.

Zajdel declined repeated requests for an interview while he was employed by the government. He did engage in the brief exchange Tuesday, but refused to say what he’s going to do next.

“Have a nice a day, sir. Bye, bye,” he said before hanging up the phone.

Yep, buh-bye, Saulie! Good riddance. His departure is as secretive as his employment under James Moore was. But then, anything under those Harpercons is secretive. Why should this be any different?  Still, one has to wonder what happened? Was Saulie tired of being known as the shadow MP of Irwin Cotler?  Or did he speak out of turn?  I guess we’ll never know. Needless to say, James Moore’s mouth piece simply said they do ‘not comment on “internal staffing issues.” ‘  No, of course they don’t.

It appears that Saulie may be going into the real-estate game. I wonder if he still plans to run in the next federal election? Or will the bigger star, Robert Libman,  who declined the Harpercons’ invitation to run against Irwin Cotler in May’s election before Saulie Zajdel was selected, decide to run? Or an even bigger ‘star’?

Again, buh-bye!

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