Canadian publishers convene ‘blogger ethics panel’ – “Something has to be done about these people”
But in the wake of the accusations against Wente and Stead’s premature ‘cover up’, there is enough dirty play in the air to cause quite a stink. The Globe & Mail has already taken quite a hit and in this humble blogger’s opinion, much more shit is heading toward the fan.
As I pointed out in my much-mocked post on how this incident has once and for all blasted a hole in the whole ridiculous ‘liberal bias’ sham, perhaps a critical eye will now be opened on the profession of journalism. My feeling is that this is a big moment for the media in Canada, despite the silence of the 99% of those who reap the copious benefits of this mostly unregulated industry.
Sylvia Stead, G&M and Margaret Wente can only be truly exonerated by a third-party investigator. Stead has shown she is clearly not up to the task. Did she act alone or was she directed from above to give Wente a pass?
The old boys/old girls in the penthouse suite on Front Street might be showing a bead of sweat right about now. Their golden cocoon has ruptured. The smugness and condescension still remain, not just in the clouds of the upper echelon at the G&M but across the board (ahem Post and Sun medias).
Who knows what will result from this scandal? Most likely, not much. The worst I can see happening is that Wente will have her wrists slapped and be forced to express veiled contrition in what goes for an ‘apology’ from the media these days.
On the other hand, Stead, after four decades serving her Globe masters, may walk away and enjoy the fruits of the bounty of her retirement. As for the paper itself, it’s indeed too big to fail.
But what of the powdery cushion that is Canadian journalism, at least when it comes to the editors and opinion hawkers? Ah, there’s where the changes will occur. Not in any major shifts mind you but in a new sense of caution and maybe even self-regulation to avoid future Wentegates. Knowing the small-minded nature of journalists, I only hope that any new-found scepticism and sense of discipline and ethics will not be relegated just to the Globe & Mail.
And as for the myth of the ‘liberal media’, you can kiss that sucker good-bye.
UPDATE: In a slap to the face of our lily-livered media, the Guardian has taken note and posted an article on the embarrassment of Wentegate. (H/T: Sabina Becker)
UPDATE II: Chris Selley dips his toes into the Wente quicksand.
UDPATE III: Vice joins the head scratchers, pondering the silence of the media. What say you, NationalNewsWatch?
NOTE: This post has been read aloud prior to publication.
X-posted at Let Freedom Rain
keep your lamp trimmed and burning!
Hope you heard As it Happens/cbc tonite with prof from Ryerson confirming Wente’s plagiarism
Jymn Reply:
September 24th, 2012 at 10:09 PM
I’ve been glued to Twitter. First I’ve heard of it. Any details. I will put in the post or make a new one. Do you want to write it under your name. Let`s do it.