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UPDATE: Can the BC NDP Survive This?


Well, thanks to a facebook friend who reads my articles (thanks Braden) it seems that Corky Evans has really blown the lid off this whole thing. Now, in my previous article I wrote the following:

My take on this is much more skeptical then some dissident members having a difference of . . . → Read More: UPDATE: Can the BC NDP Survive This?

Can the BC NDP Survive This?

The smart money is that after this weekend the party will consolidate behind NDP if they really want power. Internal issues of democracy and grassroots representation are important but these should be things that are dealt with inside the party itself. Imploding on the front page of every newspaper across the country is not the way to win confidence. Rather, it is a sure way to give away the next election, which is an election much like the previous one, that is the NDP’s to lose. . . . → Read More: Can the BC NDP Survive This?

This Cannot Be The End Of BC Rail


The promise was made, “BC Rail is here to stay.” Then they sold it. Then the legislature was raided by the RCMP. Three people were charged with varying things such as fraud, accepting gifts, and offers of employment. Seven years later, the trial was set to resume. Finally, hopefully, we would discover what . . . → Read More: This Cannot Be The End Of BC Rail