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Nothing sacred after Harper-Flaherty attack on the CPP


From the Catch 22 Harper Conservatives, this.

The Harperites saved their best kick in the gut for Canadians this year ‘till the last month of the year.

Finance Minister Jim Flaherty lied and stickhandled his way to another victory for the neo-Conservatives who run the country by undermining and betraying . . . → Read More: Nothing sacred after Harper-Flaherty attack on the CPP

Pension Reform of Pension Madness


Flaherty: “Why reform CPP? It’s fine the way it is.”

I just want to say first that I’m not a pension expert. It’s one of my weaker areas of knowledge. So what I’m writing here is more my own feeling of common sense then anything really backed up by public policy analyses. . . . → Read More: Pension Reform of Pension Madness