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Jonathan Kay’s hate speech makes mockery of Canadian journalists

This tweet from the National Post scribe says everything you need to know about Canada’s journalists and why the public is running away from them in droves. If this were reversed, say “Makes Arab extremists look as bad as Jews”, the writer would have been fired by now.

Our Liberal media at work.

H/T: @AntoniaZ

UPDATE: Dr. Dawg’s facile language skills take this to whole other level.

UPDATE II. Seems Mr. Kay is upset with Antonia and Dawg. Hypocrisy, thy name is Conservative.

X-posted at Let Freedom Rain

1 comment to Jonathan Kay’s hate speech makes mockery of Canadian journalists

  • I received this comment on the post over LFR from ‘TLTC blogger’, worded as if it was written by Kay himself:

    “If I had more than 140 characters, I would have written “as bad as their Arab counterparts.” But since space is limited on Twitter, I relied on readers to apply their common sense and understand my meaning.”

    I have no idea if this is Kay but I do know it is one of the lamest excuses I have ever read. So typically Conservative.